Cancel Culture

Unveiling the Hidden Realities of Being in the Public Eye: Beyond the Glare of Success by Glenn Marsden

In the age of social media and pervasive celebrity culture, it's easy to become enamored with the glamorous lives of public figures. We often perceive success as an achievement that promises wealth, adoration, and an effortless life. However, behind the shiny online world, lies a world filled with challenges and sacrifices that many fail to acknowledge. I am truly grateful to have gained so much support with some of the biggest names across all sectors in the public eye sharing their truths, their stories because so many people who see a mere snippet of somebody’s life who is in the public eye goes through.

There is so much judgement in this world based on perception & yet it’s simply not reality. A profession that places somebody in the public eye i’ve learnt from everybody lies stories entails dealing with intense scrutiny, judgment, financial instability, and the ever-present specter of cancel culture.

Media plays a big part in perception so to try to change the narrative esp. towards why people judge those with a ‘public person’ from an external point of view. I wanted to shed the lesser-known aspects of being in the public eye that I have witnessed through people behind the imperfectly perfect campaign & shed light on the realities that often remain hidden from the public's gaze.

When people step into the public eye, nobody in my mind would want to subject themselves to an unforgiving level of scrutiny. Every action, word, and decision is dissected and analyzed by a vast audience, amplifying the pressure to constantly present oneself in a flawless manner. The tiniest misstep can lead to a barrage of criticism and public shaming, with repercussions that extend far beyond personal boundaries.

Guess what, imagine the psychological toll of living under a constant microscope yourself…

It would be overwhelming, resulting in anxiety, depression, and a loss of privacy.

Contrary to popular belief, the path to success in the public eye is often paved with financial challenges. Public figures often depend on projects and endorsements for their livelihood, and when they don't work, they don't get paid.

Again, this constant financial uncertainty can lead to anxiety.

Behind the Scenes: The Mask of Online Success

Social media provides a curated glimpse into the lives of public figures, painting a picture of unmitigated success and happiness. However, this portrayal often masks the personal battles and challenges that public figures face off-camera. The pressures of maintaining a public persona, dealing with personal problems, and managing mental health issues are aspects that are rarely showcased. The high standards set by society and the constant demand for perfection can take a toll on the well-being of those in the public eye. It is crucial to remember that the online narrative only reveals a fraction of the reality.

One of the most concerning aspects of being in the public eye I've encountered through people who have encountered it on the imperfectly perfect campaign is the culture of canceling, where public figures are held accountable for their actions and opinions. While it is important to address harmful behavior and promote accountability, the consequences of cancel culture can be severe and far-reaching esp if false. Public figures who become embroiled in controversy often face a loss of career opportunities, social isolation, and a tarnished reputation. Even individuals who have made efforts to grow, learn, and make amends can find themselves permanently marked by past mistakes.

So my conclusion of what so many see and make judgement on - the reality is often far more complex and challenging than meets the eye. The constant scrutiny, financial instability, hidden struggles, and the pervasive threat of cancel culture create an environment where success comes at a significant cost. As spectators, it is important to recognize the humanity behind the personas projected online and acknowledge that success does not equate to an idyllic existence & honestly look at ourselves and ask 'could we go through all of this?' and realise what it actually takes people.

Glenn Marsden - Founder; Imperfectly Perfect Campaign

You think you know me, you have no idea with Kate Neilson

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It’s been over 3 1/2 years since we last caught up with the amazing Kate Neilson over in Los Angeles as she was one of the first people to get straight behind our global efforts and this week see’s founder; Glenn Marsden and Kate catching up for a chat on the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast to talk all things from her career which saw her leave Australia and set her sights on Hollywood, to gain a role in the hit Killer Elite with Robert De Niro, her advocacy towards mental health and why it means so much to her, & we discuss her latest projects including her latest movie ‘the dunes’ out now on Amazon and something really fascinating she is producing out of Kentucky, a true crime series which see’s her advocate for change within the prison system and bringing much needed stories to light!

In today's podcast episode, we will be addressing a sensitive and potentially distressing topic—suicide. We understand that this subject matter can be difficult for some individuals, and we want to emphasize the importance of self-care and emotional well-being. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, we strongly urge you to reach out to a mental health professional or helpline in your country. Remember, you are not alone, and there are people who care and want to help. If you feel that listening to this episode may be triggering for you, we encourage you to prioritize your mental health and consider skipping this particular content. Take care of yourself, and know that your well-being is of utmost importance.

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Be sure to leave a comment, write a review and remember if you enjoyed this episode, then share the love and pay it forward to a friend.

To find out more about Kate, her projects and to keep up to date with her, be sure to follow her via her socials at: @kateneilsonofficial

The Reality of Fame and its Impact on Mental Health: A Call for Empathy in the Digital Age

In today's digital age, where social media platforms reign supreme, fame has taken on a new dimension. With a single viral moment, an individual can achieve instant recognition and find themselves thrust into the spotlight. While fame may appear glamorous from the outside, its impact on mental health is a reality that often goes unnoticed. Additionally, the rise of keyboard warriors, individuals who engage in online hate speech and post hurtful comments, has further exacerbated the negative effects on those in the public eye. In this article, we delve into the harsh reality of fame and why it is crucial for keyboard warriors to exercise empathy before posting hurtful comments.

The Hidden Side of Fame:

Fame comes with a multitude of challenges, many of which have a profound impact on an individual's mental well-being. Constant scrutiny, invasion of privacy, and relentless public judgment can take a toll on even the most resilient individuals. Celebrities often face immense pressure to maintain a flawless public image, leading to a sense of isolation and anxiety. Moreover, the disconnect between the public persona and the private self can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.

The Illusion of Perfection:

Social media platforms have contributed significantly to the distortion of reality and the perpetuation of an unattainable standard of perfection. Celebrities are expected to be flawless, both physically and emotionally, which can lead to a constant need for validation and the fear of making any mistakes. The pressure to conform to societal expectations often results in the deterioration of mental health, as individuals struggle to meet unrealistic standards.

Keyboard Warriors: Impact of Hateful Comments:

While the internet has undoubtedly brought us closer together, it has also created a breeding ground for negativity and hostility. Keyboard warriors, shielded by the anonymity of the online world, feel emboldened to post hurtful comments without fully comprehending the consequences of their actions. The impact of such hateful comments on individuals in the public eye cannot be overstated. Behind the screen, there are real people with real emotions, and the barrage of negative remarks can have severe consequences on their mental health.

The Power of Empathy:

It is imperative for us, as a society, to recognize the power of empathy and compassion in our interactions, particularly when it comes to our online behavior. A simple pause to consider the potential impact of our words can make a significant difference. Instead of spreading hate, we should strive to cultivate an environment of support and understanding. Constructive criticism is essential, but it should be delivered respectfully and with the intention of promoting growth rather than tearing someone down.

Promoting Mental Health Awareness:

To address the mental health challenges faced by individuals in the public eye, it is crucial to promote mental health awareness and provide support systems. Celebrities themselves are increasingly speaking out about their struggles, helping to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. Society needs to foster an environment that encourages open conversations, understanding, and access to mental health resources for all, irrespective of their level of fame.

The reality of fame goes far beyond red carpets and paparazzi flashes. Behind the glitz and glamour lies the toll it takes on an individual's mental health. The rise of keyboard warriors further compounds the challenges faced by those in the public eye, as they navigate a world where hate can be spewed at the click of a button. As responsible digital citizens, we must recognize the profound impact of our words and strive to build a more empathetic and supportive online community. Only by doing so can we contribute to the well-being and mental health of all individuals, famous or not.

'HUMAN' with Tayler Holder

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As one of the most successful people in the social media space, being in your 20’s attaining millions of followers, billions of views and likes and ultimately living your life, your highlights and your mistakes out in the public eye, Tayler Holder chats with Glenn Marsden and shares his story and bears his truth.

Growing up outside of Dallas in a small town called Alvarado, TX Tayler has always been an entertainer.

At the age of 3, he began racing and competing in motocross, a passion that he still holds to this day, but now more of a hobby than a profession.

After finishing High School via homeschooling Tayler moved out to California to follow his dreams to be an entertainer, and starting to create content for Instagram and, quickly growing his popularity on the platforms with his viral lip sync videos as well as his daily lifestyle content.

Soon after that Tayler branched out into the world of acting with the online series DIRT where he played the main character Luke who deals with love, and addiction as well as tapping into Tayler’s first love in motocross. After joining TikTok Tayler quickly grew to millions of followers on the platform continuing to create viral content.

After collaborating with members for years, he joined the Hype House for a short period in 2020. Today Tayler Holder continues to create lifestyle content for his fans on social media, but he is now focusing a majority of his energy on his music career as things are quickly taking off for this talented singer-songwriter.

We cant wait for you to hear the episode as we hear the reality of Tayler's behind the scenes, we get to know the man behind the profession, we discuss cancel culture, his latest song ‘I hope’ plus his highly acclaimed song ‘Human’ where he shares his truths, his story and his journey in his own words. 'In this life, we need to all remember that no matter what we perceive to be another persons life, it is just a snapshot in a moment of time, that might not reflect the truth.'

Stay tuned to Tayler’s socials below for more updates on the release of his new single 'I hope' and to keep up to date on all his latest projects:


IG: @taylerholder

'Human' with Tayler Holder

As one of the most successful people in the social media space, being in your 20’s attaining millions of followers, billions of views and likes and ultimately living your life, your highlights and your mistakes out in the public eye, Tayler Holder chats with Glenn Marsden and shares his story and bears his truth.

Growing up outside of Dallas in a small town called Alvarado, TX Tayler has always been an entertainer. At the age of 3, he began racing and competing in motocross, a passion that he still holds to this day, but now more of a hobby than a profession.

After finishing High School via homeschooling Tayler moved out to California to follow his dreams to be an entertainer, and starting to create content for Instagram and, quickly growing his popularity on the platforms with his viral lip sync videos as well as his daily lifestyle content.

Soon after that Tayler branched out into the world of acting with the online series DIRT where he played the main character Luke who deals with love, and addiction as well as tapping into Tayler’s first love in motocross.

After joining TikTok Tayler quickly grew to millions of followers on the platform continuing to create viral content.

After collaborating with members for years, he joined the Hype House for a short period in 2020.

Today Tayler Holder continues to create lifestyle content for his fans on social media, but he is now focusing a majority of his energy on his music career as things are quickly taking off for this talented singer-songwriter.

We cant wait for you to hear the episode as we hear the reality of Tayler's behind the scenes, we get to know the man behind the profession, we discuss cancel culture, his latest song ‘I hope’ plus his highly acclaimed song ‘Human’ where he shares his truths, his story and his journey in his own words.

'In this life, we need to all remember that no matter what we perceive to be another persons life, it is just a snapshot in a moment of time, that might not reflect the truth.'

Stay tuned to Tayler’s socials below for more updates on the release of his new single 'I hope' and to keep up to date on all his latest projects:


IG: @taylerholder