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Why Founder; Glenn Marsden believes the success of the movement and why people worldwide are resonating with the global efforts

Glenn Marsden, the founder of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, believes the success of the movement and why people worldwide are resonating with the global efforts are for several reasons:

  1. Universality of human experiences: The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign focuses on promoting self-acceptance, mental health awareness, and breaking down societal beauty standards. These issues are prevalent across cultures and societies, and many people can relate to the challenges and pressures associated with them. By addressing these universal experiences, the campaign has the potential to resonate with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

  2. Emotional connection: The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign aims to create an emotional connection with our audience. We share personal stories, experiences, and vulnerabilities, which take us all back to basics of humanity, connecting and evoking empathy and understanding. By openly discussing these topics, and opening up hard conversations many shy away from, we encourage others to do the same, fostering a sense of solidarity and support among individuals who have faced similar challenges.

    3. Authenticity and relatability: Glenn Marsden's authenticity and relatability as the founder of the campaign may contribute to its global appeal. By sharing his own journey and struggles, he humanizes the campaign and demonstrates that no one is immune to insecurities and challenges. This genuine approach can help people feel seen, understood, and inspired to join the movement.

    4. Positive impact and empowerment: The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign focuses on promoting positive change and empowerment. By encouraging self-acceptance, body positivity, and mental well-being, it offers a counter-narrative to the societal pressures and unrealistic standards often imposed on individuals. This message of empowerment and self-love resonates with many people seeking a more inclusive and compassionate society.

    5. Global reach and online platforms: The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign leverages the power of online platforms to connect with a global audience. Social media and the internet allow for widespread dissemination of the campaign's message, reaching individuals from different countries and cultures. The accessibility and ease of sharing content online enable people to participate and engage with the campaign, contributing to its global resonance.

The universal nature of the campaign's message, emotional connection, authenticity, positive impact, and the use of online platforms all play a role in fostering a sense of connection and support among individuals around the world.

The Four Levels Of Consciousness with Preston Smiles

Get ready to strap yourself into your seats as we go all in with a thought-provoking interview with the one and only Preston Smiles.

Former bad boy–turned–inspirational messenger Preston Smiles has helped thousands of people become the best versions of themselves with his enormously popular videos and speaking engagements all over the world. He has a large dedicated following on his YouTube channel and has been featured in LA Weekly, Los Angeles Magazine, Origin magazine to name a few. He’s a regular contributor to Huffington Post, The Daily Love, Good Guy Swag, and has appeared on some of the worlds top podcasts including Lewis Howes’s The School of Greatness, Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu and many others.

He won Elixir Magazine’s Millennial Mentor Award and is also one of the youngest members of ATL (Association of Transformational Leaders), founded by Jack Canfield.

Preston is truly passionate about spreading love everywhere he possibly can and in this thought provoking episode we delve deep to uncover where this passion drew from, who inspired him along his journey, his personal relationship with God and we also hear some incredible wisdom in how we should all be working towards being successful on our own terms not what has been labeled as success by history or society.

We also hear that whilst Preston's career has soured, his popularity and his global work also, to where it has today - it certainly wasn't always this way, in fact he was originally told that no one would ever invest in his dream which left him extremely deflated.

Though deflated, he did not listen. Instead, he followed his dream and evolved as a human throughout his journey and gets to share it with people all around the world today.

To find out more about Preston and his upcoming event in Australia, ‘THE BRIDGE METHOD’, simply click the link below to his official website at;




By listening to this amazing episode with Preston today, you also receive a discount code by the man himself to access the upcoming event right here in Australia