Mental Health Movement

Sharing the stories of celebrities and public figures who have struggled with mental health

Sharing the stories of celebrities and public figures who have struggled with mental health is important to us here at the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign for several reasons:

  1. Reducing stigma: Mental health stigma still exists in many societies, and it can prevent people from seeking help or talking openly about their struggles. When well-known individuals share their experiences, it humanizes mental health issues and helps break down stereotypes and misconceptions. It sends a powerful message that mental health problems can affect anyone, regardless of their fame or success.

  2. Increasing awareness: By sharing their stories, celebrities and public figures can bring attention to different mental health conditions and create awareness about the challenges faced by those who live with these conditions. This can lead to a better understanding of mental health issues within society and foster empathy and support for those who are struggling.

    3. Encouraging help-seeking behavior: When individuals in the public eye discuss their mental health struggles and their journey towards recovery, it can inspire others to seek help for their own mental health concerns. It shows that reaching out for support is not a sign of weakness, but rather an important step towards healing and well-being.

    4. Providing hope and inspiration: Celebrity stories of overcoming mental health challenges can offer hope and inspiration to those who are struggling. Knowing that even successful and admired individuals have faced similar difficulties can in still a sense of hope that recovery is possible. It can motivate individuals to persevere and seek the help they need.

    5. Promoting self-care and well-being: Public figures sharing their mental health stories can also serve as a reminder of the importance of self-care and well-being. Their experiences can highlight the significance of maintaining mental wellness and taking care of oneself, which can resonate with a wide audience and encourage healthy habits.

Embracing our Imperfections can lead to better Mental Health.

Embracing our imperfections can indeed lead to better mental health. Society often promotes the idea of perfection and places immense pressure on individuals to meet certain standards, whether it's physical appearance, achievements, or societal expectations. However, this pursuit of perfection can be exhausting, demoralizing, and detrimental to our mental well-being. By embracing our imperfections instead, we can experience several positive effects on our mental health:

  1. Authenticity and Self-Acceptance: Embracing our imperfections allows us to accept ourselves as we truly are, without constantly striving to meet unrealistic standards. It promotes self-acceptance and encourages us to acknowledge and love ourselves, flaws and all. This authenticity fosters a greater sense of self-worth, leading to improved mental well-being.

  2. Reduced Self-Criticism: When we embrace our imperfections, we cultivate a mindset of self-compassion rather than self-judgment. We become less critical of ourselves, forgiving our mistakes and treating ourselves with kindness. This shift in perspective can alleviate feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy, allowing us to develop a healthier relationship with ourselves.

  3. Increased Resilience: Embracing imperfections helps us build resilience by recognizing that setbacks and failures are a natural part of life. It allows us to view these experiences as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as personal deficiencies. By adopting a growth mindset, we become more adaptable and better equipped to handle challenges, leading to improved mental resilience.

  4. Enhanced Relationships: Embracing our imperfections can positively impact our relationships with others. When we accept ourselves as imperfect beings, we are more likely to extend the same acceptance and understanding to those around us. This attitude fosters empathy, compassion, and stronger connections with others, promoting a supportive social network that contributes to better mental health.

  5. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The pursuit of perfection can be incredibly stressful and anxiety-inducing. By embracing imperfections, we free ourselves from the constant pressure to meet unrealistic expectations. This liberation allows us to experience a sense of relief, reducing stress levels and promoting overall well-being.

  6. Improved Self-Image: Embracing our imperfections helps us develop a more realistic and positive self-image. We begin to appreciate our unique qualities, recognizing that our flaws and vulnerabilities contribute to our individuality and make us human. This shift in perspective can lead to increased self-confidence and a healthier self-image, contributing to improved mental health.

Remember, embracing imperfections does not mean we stop striving for personal growth or learning from our mistakes. It simply means acknowledging that perfection is unattainable and that our imperfections do not define us. By embracing our imperfections, we open ourselves up to a greater sense of self-acceptance, resilience, and well-being, ultimately leading to better mental health.

Fostering conversations about embracing our Imperfections

Fostering conversations about embracing our imperfections requires creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their vulnerabilities. Here are some steps you can take to encourage and facilitate these discussions:

  1. Lead by example: As a conversation facilitator or participant, it's important to demonstrate vulnerability and openness about your own imperfections. Share personal stories that highlight your struggles and how you've learned to embrace them. This sets the tone for others to feel safe sharing their own experiences.

  2. Create a non-judgmental space: Establish ground rules for the conversation that emphasize respect, active listening, and non-judgment. Encourage participants to be empathetic and compassionate towards one another's imperfections, ensuring that everyone feels supported and understood.

  3. Set a positive tone: Encourage participants to focus on the positive aspects of embracing imperfections. Frame imperfections as opportunities for growth, learning, and self-acceptance. Emphasize that imperfections are a natural part of being human and can contribute to personal development and resilience.

  4. Promote active listening: Encourage participants to actively listen to one another without interruption or judgment. This helps create an atmosphere of understanding and allows individuals to feel heard and validated. Encourage reflective responses that demonstrate understanding and empathy, such as paraphrasing or summarizing what someone has shared.

  5. Ask open-ended questions: Pose questions that encourage self-reflection and deeper exploration of imperfections. For example, "How have your imperfections shaped your personal journey?" or "What strategies have you found helpful in accepting and embracing your imperfections?" Open-ended questions encourage participants to share their thoughts and experiences more freely, fostering deeper conversations.

  6. Provide resources and support: Share relevant articles, books, or personal development resources that can assist individuals in their journey of embracing imperfections. This can include self-help books, TED Talks, or online communities focused on self-acceptance and personal growth. Offering support beyond the conversation itself demonstrates a commitment to ongoing growth and encourages participants to continue their journey outside of the discussion.

Remember, fostering conversations about embracing imperfections is an ongoing process. It's important to create a supportive community where individuals feel comfortable being vulnerable, learning from one another, and continuing their personal growth.

Helping children embrace their imperfections

Helping children embrace their imperfections is an important aspect of their emotional and psychological development. Here are some strategies you can use to support your children in this process:

  1. Foster a positive and accepting environment: Create a loving and accepting atmosphere at home where mistakes and imperfections are seen as a normal part of learning and growth. Encourage open communication and let your children know that they can share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

    2. Model self-acceptance: Children learn by observing their parents and caregivers. Embrace your own imperfections and openly discuss them with your children. Show them that everyone has flaws and that it's okay to make mistakes. Be kind to yourself and demonstrate self-compassion.

    3. Encourage a growth mindset: Teach your children that intelligence and abilities are not fixed traits but can be developed through effort and practice. Emphasize the value of learning from mistakes and setbacks. Encourage them to approach challenges with a positive attitude and a willingness to try again.

    4. Praise effort and progress: Instead of solely focusing on achievements and outcomes, praise your children's effort, perseverance, and progress. This helps them understand that their worth is not solely based on the end result but also on the process of learning and growing

    5.Teach self-compassion: Help your children develop self-compassion by teaching them to be kind to themselves when they make mistakes or face challenges. Encourage them to talk to themselves in a supportive and understanding way, just as they would comfort a friend. This cultivates a healthy inner dialogue and reduces self-criticism.

    6. Focus on strengths and interests: Encourage your children to discover and develop their unique strengths and interests. Help them understand that everyone has different talents and that their worth is not solely determined by areas where they may perceive themselves as imperfect.

    7. Promote realistic expectations: Help your children set realistic expectations for themselves. Talk to them about the importance of setting achievable goals and celebrating progress, rather than striving for perfection. Encourage them to embrace their unique qualities and recognize that nobody is perfect.

    8. Encourage self-expression: Provide opportunities for your children to express themselves creatively and emotionally. Encourage them to pursue activities they enjoy and allow them to explore their interests. This helps build confidence and a sense of self-worth beyond external validation.

Remember, embracing imperfections is a lifelong journey, and your support as a parent or caregiver plays a crucial role in helping your children develop a healthy self-image and a resilient mindset.

The Four Levels Of Consciousness with Preston Smiles

Get ready to strap yourself into your seats as we go all in with a thought-provoking interview with the one and only Preston Smiles.

Former bad boy–turned–inspirational messenger Preston Smiles has helped thousands of people become the best versions of themselves with his enormously popular videos and speaking engagements all over the world. He has a large dedicated following on his YouTube channel and has been featured in LA Weekly, Los Angeles Magazine, Origin magazine to name a few. He’s a regular contributor to Huffington Post, The Daily Love, Good Guy Swag, and has appeared on some of the worlds top podcasts including Lewis Howes’s The School of Greatness, Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu and many others.

He won Elixir Magazine’s Millennial Mentor Award and is also one of the youngest members of ATL (Association of Transformational Leaders), founded by Jack Canfield.

Preston is truly passionate about spreading love everywhere he possibly can and in this thought provoking episode we delve deep to uncover where this passion drew from, who inspired him along his journey, his personal relationship with God and we also hear some incredible wisdom in how we should all be working towards being successful on our own terms not what has been labeled as success by history or society.

We also hear that whilst Preston's career has soured, his popularity and his global work also, to where it has today - it certainly wasn't always this way, in fact he was originally told that no one would ever invest in his dream which left him extremely deflated.

Though deflated, he did not listen. Instead, he followed his dream and evolved as a human throughout his journey and gets to share it with people all around the world today.

To find out more about Preston and his upcoming event in Australia, ‘THE BRIDGE METHOD’, simply click the link below to his official website at;


By listening to this amazing episode with Preston today, you also receive a discount code by the man himself to access the upcoming event right here in Australia

'Your Tests Become Your Testimony' with Les Brown

Les Brown's Advice Will Leave You Speechless !!!

Legendary motivational speaker Les Brown has overcome the most profound challenges. Over the course of his incredible career, he went from being labelled mentally retarded and working menial jobs to inspiring audiences of up to 80,000 people at a time.

On this episode of the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast, Les Brown shares the truth about how everyone has to fail their way to success.

He also details his strategies for improving his mindset, explains exactly how he transformed the story he tells himself about himself, and talks about how to deal with negative thoughts and negative people.

If you want to “live a life that will outlive YOU” this episode is for you! ⁣

All New Season for the imperfectlyPerfect Podcast kicks off with Les Brown.

Les Brown is not only one if not the world's biggest motivational speakers, he is a dynamic personality and highly-sought-after icon in business and professional circles from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity.

He is an author, former radio DJ, television host, former member of the House of Representatives, a highly acclaimed author who introduces new audiences every day to his inspiring books such as 'It's not over until you win', and 'Fight for your dreams', the Les Brown’s audio series, 'Choosing your Future',  and his latest ‘The Greatness Within You'.

Not only a legendary motivational speaker Les Brown has overcome the most profound challenges. Over the course of his incredible career, he went from being labelled mentally retarded and working menial jobs to inspiring audiences of up to 80,000 people at a time.

On this episode Les shares his journey, his advocacy towards Mental Health, his relationship with God, the truth about how he transformed the story he told himself about himself, and how to unleash your story of greatness that already lives within you to become the ultimate version of yourself.⁣

If you want to “live a life that will outlive YOU” this episode is for you! ⁣

'The Story Behind The Story' with Founder; Glenn Marsden

Glenn Marsden is the Founder of the one of Australia’s most Publicised Initiatives, the ‘Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’. He is also a highly sought after Mentor for Entrepreneurs, and one of Australia’s most influential and empowering Public Speakers.

He is the humble success behind ‘Imperfectly Perfect’ which gained Global Recognition within 12 months and has seen over 450+ of the worlds most Influential Public Figures get behind him from the worlds most respected Thought Leaders to Hollywood Celebrities, Professional Athletes, Corporate Leaders and Medical Professionals all on board to challenge the culture and narrative around Mental Health.

He has been featured over 150+ International Publications, Networks and stages, scaled his work into an International Organisation establishing leading workshops, and awareness programs for a global community.

After 100 episodes on the show, this episode we turn the tables and got Glenn in the hot seat to take us back and share the story behind the story.

We hear about how losing a friend to suicide and having dealt with Body Dysmorphia Struggles in his past, it forged a passion in him like no other to go out in to the world and try to challenge these conversations around Mental Health.

Boy, has he done it.

We delve deeper to hear about what it has taken him over the past three years, his journey, the lessons, the set-backs, the sacrifices, the gratitude for people resonating and getting behind his vision and his plans for 2022 and beyond.

'To inspire people to accomplish far more than they ever thought possible' with Pete Cohen

Pete Cohen is the author of 20 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world in multiple languages, had his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on the UK's ITV daytime show; GMTV for 12 years.

He has coached numerous world-class sporting stars and teams reach their peak performance, including some of the biggest professional athletes throughout the UK.

He is renowned as the most inspirational speaker available and has a real and positive message to deliver being that of inspiring people to accomplish far more than they ever thought possible. 

Delve into this episode as founder; Glenn Marsden finds out where it all started for Pete on this journey to help countless people through his work around the globe.

We hear through how Pete's passion and mission, he firmly believes that when people are inspired, they are much more likely to give and be more and we listen to some of the most profound wisdom and life's lessons he has learnt to date and passed on that knowledge to countless others to better themselves and realise who they always were meant to be.

'Snowpiercers' very own Sam Otto gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

First things first guys, make sure to click the “SUBSCRIBE” on our Youtube channel to listen to more of the worlds most recognised faces sharing their stories and getting behind our Global Efforts and make sure you also SUBSCRIBE to our Podcast by clicking the link below, so that you DO NOT miss out on this upcoming episode or ANY episode.

We would love your support by leaving us a review J


If you are new to coming across the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, and would like to find out more about our Global Efforts and how you can get involved and become a part of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Global Community, simply click the link below and register today.

Craig Levinson gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s Global Efforts

First things first guys, make sure to click the “SUBSCRIBE” on our Youtube channel to listen to more of the worlds most recognised faces sharing their stories and getting behind our Global Efforts and make sure you also SUBSCRIBE to our Podcast by clicking the link below, so that you DO NOT miss out on this upcoming episode or ANY episode.

We would love your support by leaving us a review J


If you are new to coming across the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, and would like to find out more about our Global Efforts and how you can get involved and become a part of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Global Community, simply click the link below and register today.

"The IceMan" - Wim Hof

We are so excited to share with you this fantastic conversation with Founder Glenn Marsden about Wim Hof breathing, mental wellness, what is going on right now in the world and our connection to nature, to soul and to God.

Dutch extreme athlete Wim Hof got his nickname 'The Iceman' by breaking a number of records related to cold exposure including: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle barefoot, and standing in a container while covered with ice cubes for more than 112 minutes.

Using 'cold, hard nature' as his teacher, his extensive training has enabled him to learn to control his breathing, heart rate, and blood circulation and to withstand extreme temperatures.

Armed with his motto 'what I am capable of, everybody can learn', Wim Hof is convinced that everyone can tap into their inner potential without having to invest the same decades worth of study, travel and daring.

Wim has made it his mission to share what he’s learned with the rest of the world. And so he developed the Wim Hof Method: a combination of breathing, cold therapy and commitment that offers a range of benefits.

With his Wim Hof Method, he teaches people from all over the world, from celebrities and professional athletes, to people of all ages, to control their body & mind and achieve extraordinary things.

“He has not only helped advance scientific understanding, but also accomplished extraordinary feats of human endurance, including 21 Guinness World Records.

To find out more information on Wim, simply head to or head to apple store today to download the wim hoff method mobile app. For more information, you can also head to:




Wim Hof gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

“There comes a moment that through your belief, you arrive. It’s like you leave the car, you don’t stay in the car. I’ve used my vehicle to get where I need to go. The realisation of my soul. That’s my home and it’s living in my heart, and it is in love and I spread it like a virus. Jesus Christ was 2000 years ago, he’s right here, right now. That’s what i’m saying. It’s you. God is within you. The light is within you.’ - @iceman_hof

A huge honour and privilege to have Wim Hof get behind our Global Efforts in challenging the narrative around Mental Health and sharing his story.

Dutch extreme athlete Wim Hof got his nickname 'The Iceman' by breaking a number of records related to cold exposure including: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle barefoot, and standing in a container while covered with ice cubes for more than 112 minutes.

Using 'cold, hard nature' as his teacher, his extensive training has enabled him to learn to control his breathing, heart rate, and blood circulation and to withstand extreme temperatures. Wim has made it his mission to share what he’s learned with the rest of the world.

And so he developed the Wim Hof Method: a combination of breathing, cold therapy and commitment that offers a range of benefits.

With his Wim Hof Method, he teaches people from all over the world, from celebrities and professional athletes, to people of all ages, to control their body & mind and achieve extraordinary things. “He has not only helped advance scientific understanding, but also accomplished extraordinary feats of human endurance, including 21 Guinness World Records.

To find out more information on Wim, simply head to or head to apple store today to download the wim hoff method mobile app

You can also find Wim via:




'Being Imperfectly Perfect' with Rachel Hurdwood

‘Being Imperfectly Perfect to me is about trying your best even if things aren’t great, even if you have a bad day. For now, at the moment for me, it makes me think of parenting. I was an amazing parent before I had kids and I knew everything to do in every situation and now I have kids of my own and I fall into every single trap. I read something about people and a really beneficial thing to do if something goes wrong, rather than dwelling in it, you take stock of what you’ve done and learn from it. I’ve been really trying to do that in recent months. You know in case something didn’t go how I wanted it to. What can I do differently next time and then move on from it’ - @rachel.hurdwood