Imperfectly Perfect

Amazon Best Seller for Our International Book Series

Over the past few months, I've quietly observed Volume 1 on Amazon's rankings on our books going out across the UK, Australia, and the USA. What I'm thrilled to share is that in that time, we managed to secure the #1 spot in both the self-esteem and mental health categories.

Why I didn't announce this was because I spoke at length with our publisher, the amazing Karen Weaver who was so supportive & said I didn't want any emphazing on a title rather than the true essence of the work. I've seen too many instances where the focus on titles distracts from genuine purpose along my journey.

And yet as everybody has seen, since its release only in January, the book garnered international attention, featured on numerous platforms, & garnered significant press and network coverage. It was in the hands of prominent figures in Hollywood and even members of the Dubai royal family.

These milestones underscore something I've always believed: achieving any status doesn’t take something to the world stage.

The real measure of impact lies in how deeply one's words and story resonate with others, as evidenced by the widespread reception and positive feedback we've received.

So, a big congratulations to all the co-authors of Volume 1 and huge thank you to Karen Weaver for all your help & support

Everybody’s hard work and dedication have shown that gaining this title doesn't necessarily correlate at all with the resounding impact it has made with people

This isn't to downplay the significance of recognition at all; rather, it's a reminder that impact can be made anyway!

It's about making a meaningful difference in the lives of others, something we've clearly achieved with Volume 1.

Founder; Glenn Marsden

Grab Your FREE Copy of the ImperfectlyPerfect Campaign's December Issue

Dive into the December issue of our magazine and unlock a treasure trove of knowledge!

Grab your FREE copy now and discover a wealth of resources, invaluable tips, thought-provoking articles, exclusive interviews, and so much more.

Immerse yourself in a world of inspiration.

Don't miss out on this month's edition packed with content designed to elevate your experience and knowledge.

Click, download, and embark on a journey of discovery with December's must-read magazine – your gateway to a wealth of information!

Join our Global Volunteer Teams

You know, it's amazing how we often see people coming together to help those who are struggling, especially when it's the public, the community, that steps in to make a difference.

I was just reflecting on this recently in a conversation I had.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign movement has always been about people helping people, paying it forward, sharing our stories to help others.

I started wondering, what more can we do to give back and make a positive impact?

It's funny how the universe ( I say God ) seems to respond when you ask that question. As I was walking to the shops, I turned a corner and saw a man sitting on the ground with his dog, with little belongings, holding a sign that said "hungry and homeless."

It was not only a stark reminder of the challenges some people face daily but clearly I know when something is put in front of me.

So as the public, as a community, as a collective we have the power to make a difference.

What if the imperfectly perfect campaign could mobilize our global community, with dedicated team leaders creating an "Imperfectly Perfect Task Force" of volunteers?

Reach out to the public, those who are able and willing to donate spare towels, bedding, clothes, toiletries, food, or anything that might provide some comfort to those who find themselves on the streets.

Imagine the impact we could have if we all came together, each contributing what we can, to support those in need.

If you share our passion for helping others, we invite you to be a part of our volunteering team in your own country.

To join this movement and be a force for positive change, please reach out to our team today at in showing your interest.

In the next fortnight, we will be holding an online meeting regarding this mission.

Your compassion, your willingness to give, and your desire to make a difference can create a ripple effect of kindness that can change lives, so join us.

Are you ready to make a bold fashion statement while making an even bolder impact on the world?

Are you ready to make a bold fashion statement while making an even bolder impact on the world?

Look no further than our imperfectly perfect campaign support apparel – where fashion meets mental health advocacy.

With every purchase, you're not just getting stunning apparel; you're joining a global movement dedicated to raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

Fashion That Cares

At Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, our apparel is more than just fabric; it's a symbol of hope, strength, and unity.

When you wear our apparel, you wear your support for mental health on your sleeve, quite literally. Our designs are carefully crafted to reflect the resilience and beauty that can emerge from the challenges of mental health.

The Power of Your Purchase

Every single purchase you make at Imperfectly Perfect Campaign contributes to our global efforts in raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

We about making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most, so with your support, we're able to fund our essential initiatives, and continue spreading the message of hope, because as everybody knows, we work tirelessly to create change on a global scale.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Support Apparel Collection

Our stunning collection includes a wide range of apparel for every style and occasion. From cozy hoodies that wrap you in warmth and support to trendy t-shirts that make a statement, we have something for everyone. And every piece you choose carries the same powerful message

Join the Movement

When you shop at with us, you become a part of something much larger than yourself.

You become an advocate for mental health, a beacon of hope for those who are struggling, and a force for change in a world that desperately needs it.
Shop Today!

Don't just buy clothes; make a difference. Choose Imperfectly Perfect, where fashion fuels our global efforts in raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

Join the movement today and wear your support proudly!

Visit to explore our collection and be a part of the change.

Together, we can create a world where mental health matters and every life is valued.

The Paramount Importance of Seeking Help for Mental Health Struggles

Mental health is a fundamental aspect of our overall well-being, yet it often goes unnoticed or disregarded. Many individuals find themselves caught in cycles of negativity, dwelling on past experiences, and struggling with the weight of their own minds. It is imperative to recognize the significance of seeking help when faced with mental health challenges. This essay explores the reasons why seeking assistance is paramount, emphasizing the need to break free from detrimental patterns, acknowledging that therapy is a process, and understanding the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being.

Breaking Free from Cycles of Negativity:

When individuals are trapped in cycles of negativity, it becomes difficult to envision a way out. Negative thoughts and emotions can consume one's mental landscape, making it hard to focus on the present or look towards the future with hope. Seeking help, such as therapy or counseling, provides a safe space to explore and challenge these negative patterns. A trained mental health professional can guide individuals towards understanding the root causes of their negativity and teach them effective coping strategies. By seeking help, individuals can break free from the grip of negativity and begin cultivating a more positive mindset.

Moving Forward from Living in the Past:

Living in the past can be a heavy burden to carry. Painful memories, unresolved trauma, or regrets can haunt our thoughts and hinder our progress. Seeking help allows individuals to confront and process these past experiences in a supportive environment. Therapists can provide valuable tools and techniques to help individuals let go of the past, heal emotional wounds, and foster resilience. It is through this healing process that individuals can embrace the present moment and look forward to the future with renewed optimism.

Patience in the Therapeutic Process:

Seeking help does not guarantee an immediate fix. Just as a broken bone takes time to heal, our minds also require patience and consistent effort. It is important to remember that therapy is a journey rather than a quick solution. Sometimes, individuals may feel discouraged if their progress seems slow or if their therapist's approach does not align with their expectations. However, it is crucial not to give up hope. Trusting the therapeutic process and building a strong therapeutic relationship can yield long-lasting results. Therapy provides a platform for self-discovery, growth, and developing healthy coping mechanisms that will positively impact one's mental health over time.

Understanding the Connection Between Mental and Physical Well-being:

Mental health issues can manifest in physical symptoms or ailments. Chronic pain, unexplained physical sensations, and even injuries that seem resistant to conventional treatment may have underlying psychological causes. Seeking help for mental health struggles enables individuals to address the root causes of physical manifestations and achieve holistic healing. By addressing the psychological aspects, individuals can experience relief from physical symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

In a world that often prioritizes physical health over mental health, it is crucial to recognize the paramount importance of seeking help for mental health struggles. Breaking free from cycles of negativity and living in the past is essential for personal growth and a positive mindset. Patience and trust in the therapeutic process are key in achieving lasting change. Furthermore, acknowledging the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being is vital for holistic healing. By seeking help and addressing the root causes of psychological issues, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and ultimately, a healthier and happier life.

Choosing a Path of Faith for the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign

They are some of the most common questions I still get to this day...

'Are you a charity?

'Why are you not a Non For Profit'

As the founder of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, I made a significant decision to NOT pursue a non-profit route for my organization and while some may argue that it could have been easier to seek government funding or grants, my deep inner conviction and an unexplained calling drove me towards a different path.

This article explores the reasons behind my choice and the remarkable achievements the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign has attained by building a global movement through faith, hard work and the support of passionate individuals and organizations that have solely believed in me and the message.

Listening to a Higher Calling

My journey with Imperfectly Perfect Campaign as I was later to learn just exactly why, was always guided by an innate knowing that transcended conventional wisdom.

Despite acknowledging the remarkable work done by organisations funded by the government, it just was never something I believed in for me personally.

I couldn't even tell you why, because I didn't know at the time.

I didn't know the behind the scenes of non for profits, I didn't know much about the political factors when it came to funding organisations, I didn't know why some of the biggest companies partnered with certain organisations, I just always felt something in me keep telling me no and pulling me away.

I will say, at one point though, even I was almost swayed from listening to that innate feeling by giving my power away and listening too much to others who had experience in the area who talked me in to looking into setting the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign up as a non for profit, even going as far as putting together a board of directors who were all amazing people. Yet again, that innate feeling, that hesitation, that something always telling me no was there and I couldn't explain it. I just knew if that feeling kept showing up, this wasn't the path I was chosen for or suppose to go down, so I pulled back.

I just felt an undeniable pull towards charting my own course. My intuition consistently urged me away from the well-trodden path, gradually reinforcing my determination to create something unique and impactful.

Whats ironic is there were also many people asking why I just didn't want to drive the awareness to the already large organisations out there ??

I mean, really, how unbelievable is it that there are people out in the world that as much as they appreciate what others do, want to try to make a change or impact in this world themselves, by the gifts and abilities God has given them....

I didn't think it would be that hard to explain so I never did. I could have easily turned around and said what business are you in or have. Then merely go on to ask them, why start your own when there are already so many of the large corporations doing or selling what you do?

Finding Alignment in Unexpected Ways

As if to affirm those instincts, quite literally during covid in the first year, I unexpectedly secured a position with a non-profit organisation. This serendipitous turn of events further validated my inner calling, why that 'no' always showed up and bolstered my belief in following my own path. While skeptics and there have been plenty always viewed this as a risky move, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's subsequent achievements have far surpassed those of many organisations that rely solely on grants and funding and that is something I am proud to say, am grateful to have been able to do and do not take it for granted for one minute because it confirms there is something far bigger than me at play when it comes to the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and something far bigger than any of us if we choose to listen to those innate feelings that essentially are guiding us to or away from something.

Touching Lives and Building a Sustainable Organization

My approach to the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign I am happy to say, has yielded astounding results trusting that innate feeling and through unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of the mission placed on my heart has gone on to touch the lives of millions of people worldwide and open up conversations around Mental Health.

By bringing diverse individuals together, I have been able to foster a collective spirit of empowerment, enabling people to share their stories on a global platform, feel comfortable embracing their imperfections and removing those masks society has had us all believing we need to wear.

Moreover, I am grateful God opened my eyes and further opened doors to garner support from some of the world's biggest names across various industries from Australia to Hollywood and beyond who have been instrumental in the global effort's success.

( Again, I mean, this is a guy who quite literally knew nobody and yet has gained the support of over 500 of the worlds most respected and recognised faces in their respected industries who didn't know him from the next guy and opened up to him sharing their vulnerabilities, their truths and their stories. It doesn't just happen everyday, right?! )

Has it been easy to do all this without going the conventional way with funding and grants or a status so companies get tax deductions when making donations?

Of course it hasn't.

But what it has done has shown me as my faith has grown deeper in trusting God ( I was not brought up around religion, nor faith and am still not religious may I point out. But through my work God came to me and opened my eyes ) that those never meant to be a part of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, the doors would be closed regardless.

The organisations and people who have and are still meant to be part of this Global Legacy are not concerned with a status, a tax deduction, or what it looks like for them, they have been and are people who have that innate feeling in themselves of knowing that they were or are being led to be a part of something far bigger than any of us.

By leveraging platforms such as books, apparel, events, and summits, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign has not only been able to be sustainable but has been able to create a multi-faceted approach to spreading our message and effecting positive change for over 4 1/2 years strong now, so I want to leave anybody reading this with this....

'God does not call the Qualified. He qualifies those who are called'

My decision to NOT follow the non-profit path for the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign was driven by an indescribable force within me that I couldn't explain. While it may have seemed easier to pursue government funding or grants, that innate knowing pushed me towards a different course of action and through faith and an unwavering dedication and ability to bring people together, it has resulted in extraordinary achievements.

By forging my own path and harnessing the power of collective action, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign has and continues to touch the lives of millions, that continues to make a difference worldwide and that I hope encourages and inspires anybody reading that may have had something placed on their heart and are thinking that

a) They need to know everything

b) They need to go the conventional way

c) They need to listen to everybody else who is telling them how it SHOULD be done.

I say, learn to trust that innate feeling because it will never steer you wrong.

Glenn Marsden

Founder, Imperfectly Perfect Campaign

Embracing our Imperfections can lead to better Mental Health.

Embracing our imperfections can indeed lead to better mental health. Society often promotes the idea of perfection and places immense pressure on individuals to meet certain standards, whether it's physical appearance, achievements, or societal expectations. However, this pursuit of perfection can be exhausting, demoralizing, and detrimental to our mental well-being. By embracing our imperfections instead, we can experience several positive effects on our mental health:

  1. Authenticity and Self-Acceptance: Embracing our imperfections allows us to accept ourselves as we truly are, without constantly striving to meet unrealistic standards. It promotes self-acceptance and encourages us to acknowledge and love ourselves, flaws and all. This authenticity fosters a greater sense of self-worth, leading to improved mental well-being.

  2. Reduced Self-Criticism: When we embrace our imperfections, we cultivate a mindset of self-compassion rather than self-judgment. We become less critical of ourselves, forgiving our mistakes and treating ourselves with kindness. This shift in perspective can alleviate feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy, allowing us to develop a healthier relationship with ourselves.

  3. Increased Resilience: Embracing imperfections helps us build resilience by recognizing that setbacks and failures are a natural part of life. It allows us to view these experiences as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as personal deficiencies. By adopting a growth mindset, we become more adaptable and better equipped to handle challenges, leading to improved mental resilience.

  4. Enhanced Relationships: Embracing our imperfections can positively impact our relationships with others. When we accept ourselves as imperfect beings, we are more likely to extend the same acceptance and understanding to those around us. This attitude fosters empathy, compassion, and stronger connections with others, promoting a supportive social network that contributes to better mental health.

  5. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The pursuit of perfection can be incredibly stressful and anxiety-inducing. By embracing imperfections, we free ourselves from the constant pressure to meet unrealistic expectations. This liberation allows us to experience a sense of relief, reducing stress levels and promoting overall well-being.

  6. Improved Self-Image: Embracing our imperfections helps us develop a more realistic and positive self-image. We begin to appreciate our unique qualities, recognizing that our flaws and vulnerabilities contribute to our individuality and make us human. This shift in perspective can lead to increased self-confidence and a healthier self-image, contributing to improved mental health.

Remember, embracing imperfections does not mean we stop striving for personal growth or learning from our mistakes. It simply means acknowledging that perfection is unattainable and that our imperfections do not define us. By embracing our imperfections, we open ourselves up to a greater sense of self-acceptance, resilience, and well-being, ultimately leading to better mental health.

Leaving A Legacy Behind with Kris Gethin

Kris Gethin has been voted the world's No.1 Transformation expert, twice!

He is a world-renowned body-builder, IRONMAN finisher, ultra-marathoner, CEO of KAGED MUSCLE Supplements, co-founder of the Kris Gethin Gyms franchise, and celebrity personal trainer.

He travels the globe hosting fitness seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and training the best of the best. Passing on his knowledge and techniques to his fans and followers, Kris has transformed millions of physiques through his video series you can find online.

He is the author of numerous bestselling books, including Body by Design, The Adventures of KAGED MUSCLE, and The Transformer. Kris is also the founder of the DTP training method, former editor-in-chief for and director of trainers for Physique Global.

As the CEO of KAGED MUSCLE, Kris has elevated the brand to be the highest-rated and reviewed supplement company in the world.

What a truly amazing episode we have in store for you all, as we hear all about Kris's story, from his dreams as a young boy from a small town in Wales, taking on the world of Bodybuilding to becoming a successful businessman with over 200 gym franchises running across India.

We also hear what it took, the struggles, the sacrifices and the mindset to keep moving and growing.

Are you ready to share YOUR story?

Sharing your story can be incredibly important and impactful for several reasons:

  1. Inspiring and empowering others: By sharing your story, you provide a source of inspiration and motivation for others who may be going through similar experiences. Your journey, struggles, and triumphs can show them that it is possible to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Your story can give them the strength to keep going and not give up.

  2. Creating a sense of connection: Sharing your story can create a deep sense of connection and empathy among people. When others hear about your challenges, they may realize that they are not alone in their struggles. This sense of connection can be comforting and reassuring, fostering a supportive community where people can come together, share their experiences, and provide support to one another.

  3. Breaking stigmas and reducing isolation: Many individuals face societal stigmas and discrimination related to their experiences, such as mental health issues, addiction, or personal trauma. By openly sharing your story, you challenge those stigmas and help reduce the isolation that individuals may feel. When people realize that others have faced similar challenges and are still leading fulfilling lives, it can encourage them to seek help and support without fear of judgment.

  4. Educating and raising awareness: Sharing your story can educate others about various issues, shedding light on topics that may be misunderstood or overlooked. It can raise awareness about social, cultural, or health-related issues, promoting understanding and empathy. Your story can also help dispel myths and misconceptions, contributing to a more informed and compassionate society.

  5. Fostering personal growth and healing: Sharing your story can be a cathartic and healing experience for yourself. It allows you to reflect on your journey, process your emotions, and find meaning in your experiences. Through sharing, you may gain new insights, perspectives, and a deeper understanding of your own journey. Additionally, hearing positive feedback and knowing that your story has helped others can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Overall, sharing your story is a powerful way to create positive change in the lives of others, promote empathy and understanding, and contribute to personal growth and healing. It allows us to learn from one another, support each other, and collectively strive for a more compassionate and inclusive society.

Are you ready to share your story?

Then join the rest of our international co-authors for Volume 1 of our book series.

What signs to look out for when somebody is dealing with Anxiety.

When someone is dealing with anxiety, there are several signs to look out for. It's important to remember that everyone experiences anxiety differently, but here are some common signs:

  1. Excessive worry: They may display excessive and persistent worry about various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, health, or future events. The worry might be out of proportion to the situation.

  2. Restlessness and irritability: They may appear restless, agitated, or on edge. Small things that wouldn't typically bother them may trigger irritability or frustration.

  3. Physical symptoms: Anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, stomachaches, sweating, trembling, or difficulty sleeping.

  4. Avoidance behaviors: They may avoid situations or activities that trigger their anxiety. This could include social gatherings, crowded places, or even everyday tasks that feel overwhelming.

  5. Excessive self-consciousness: Individuals with anxiety may constantly worry about what others think of them or fear being judged or embarrassed in social situations.

  6. Difficulty concentrating: Anxiety can make it challenging to focus or concentrate on tasks, leading to decreased productivity and increased frustration.

If you notice these signs in someone, there are several ways you can support and help them:

  1. Create a safe and non-judgmental environment: Let the person know that you are there for them and that they can talk to you without fear of judgment. Be patient and understanding.

  2. Encourage open communication: Encourage them to express their feelings and thoughts, and actively listen without interrupting or minimizing their concerns. Show empathy and validate their experiences.

  3. Educate yourself about anxiety: Learn more about anxiety disorders and their symptoms to gain a better understanding. This will help you provide informed support and separate common misconceptions from the reality of anxiety.

  4. Offer reassurance: Reassure them that anxiety is a common condition and that help is available. Remind them that it's okay to ask for support from mental health professionals if needed.

  5. Encourage self-care practices: Promote healthy habits like regular exercise, sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, and stress-reducing activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies they enjoy.

  6. Encourage professional help: If their anxiety significantly impacts their daily life or persists over an extended period, suggest seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. You can offer assistance in finding resources and making appointments if they're comfortable with it.

Remember, supporting someone with anxiety may require patience and understanding. Encourage them to take small steps towards managing their anxiety and let them know that you're there to support them along the way.

Navigating Motherhood Without Support: The Impact on Mental Health

Becoming a new mother is a transformative experience filled with joy, wonder, and unconditional love. However, for many women who lack the support of their families or communities, the journey into motherhood can be overwhelming and isolating. In this article, we will explore the challenges faced by new mothers without support and shed light on the significant impact this can have on their mental health.

The Isolation of Motherhood:

Motherhood, even with support, can be an isolating experience. However, when a new mother lacks the essential support system, the feelings of isolation can intensify. Without someone to lean on during those sleepless nights, to share the burdens of childcare, or to offer guidance and reassurance, the weight of motherhood can become overwhelming.

Increased Stress and Anxiety:

The absence of support can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels for new mothers. The responsibility of caring for a newborn, coupled with the lack of emotional and practical support, can create a tremendous amount of pressure. Feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty can creep in, making it difficult for mothers to trust their instincts or cope with the challenges they face.

Postpartum Depression and Loneliness:

Postpartum depression affects approximately 10-15% of women, and lack of support can exacerbate the risk. Without a strong support system, new mothers may struggle to recognize and address the symptoms of postpartum depression. Feelings of loneliness, sadness, and an inability to bond with their baby may intensify, leading to a vicious cycle of despair.

Inadequate Self-Care:

Self-care is crucial for the well-being of any new mother, but without support, it often takes a backseat. Exhaustion and the constant demands of childcare leave little time or energy for self-care activities. Neglecting self-care can further impact mental health, leaving new mothers feeling depleted and emotionally drained.

The Importance of Seeking Help:

While the challenges faced by new mothers without support are significant, it is essential to remember that help is available. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, such as doctors, therapists, or support groups, can provide a lifeline for those struggling with their mental health. These resources can offer guidance, a listening ear, and strategies to cope with the challenges of motherhood.

Building a Support Network:

Although it may seem daunting, it is possible for new mothers to build their support networks. Reaching out to friends, joining local parenting groups, or seeking online communities can help foster connections with other mothers facing similar challenges. Sharing experiences, advice, and emotional support can go a long way in alleviating the feelings of isolation.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health:

Prioritizing mental health is crucial for every new mother, especially those without support. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and self-care, such as exercise, meditation, or pursuing hobbies, can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Additionally, openly discussing feelings and seeking professional help when needed are essential steps in maintaining mental health.

Being a new mother without support presents unique challenges that can significantly impact mental health. The isolation, increased stress, and feelings of loneliness can take a toll on even the strongest individuals. However, by recognizing the importance of seeking help, building a support network, and prioritizing self-care, new mothers can navigate the complexities of motherhood and nurture their mental well-being. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you through this journey.

Nurturing Young Minds: The Importance of Addressing Mental Health in Children Early

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, mental health is increasingly becoming a critical concern. While we often associate mental health with adults, it is equally essential to recognize the significance of addressing mental well-being in children from an early age. By fostering emotional resilience and providing support, we can lay a strong foundation for their future success and overall well-being. This article explores the reasons why it is crucial to prioritize mental health in our children's lives early on and the benefits it can bring.

  1. Building a Healthy Foundation

Children's mental health is crucial for their overall development. Early intervention allows us to identify and address potential challenges, promoting emotional well-being and preventing the exacerbation of issues over time. By focusing on mental health from an early age, we can help children develop healthy coping mechanisms and emotional resilience that will serve them well throughout their lives.

  1. Positive Impact on Academic Performance

A child's mental well-being significantly influences their academic performance. When children are struggling with mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, their ability to concentrate, learn, and retain information is compromised. By addressing mental health concerns early, we can create an environment conducive to learning, allowing children to reach their full potential academically.

  1. Enhanced Social and Emotional Skills

Children with good mental health are more likely to have positive social interactions and build healthy relationships with peers and adults. Addressing mental health early provides an opportunity to foster emotional intelligence, empathy, and effective communication skills. These skills are essential for children to navigate their social environment successfully, resolve conflicts, and establish strong connections with others.

  1. Prevention of Long-term Issues

Many mental health disorders first emerge during childhood or adolescence. Addressing mental health concerns early can significantly reduce the risk of long-term mental health issues. By providing appropriate support and interventions, we can mitigate the negative impact of mental health challenges and potentially prevent their progression into more severe conditions later in life.

  1. Breaking the Stigma

Addressing mental health in children early helps break down the stigma associated with mental health concerns. When we openly discuss and prioritize mental well-being, we create an environment that encourages children to seek help without shame or embarrassment. This sets the stage for a society that values and supports mental health, ultimately leading to healthier and happier individuals.

  1. Family Support and Collaboration

Early intervention for children's mental health involves not only the child but also their families and communities. By addressing mental health concerns early on, we can involve parents, guardians, and teachers in providing the necessary support. Collaborative efforts ensure a holistic approach to a child's well-being, fostering a strong support system that enables children to thrive.

  1. Prevention of Future Mental Health Disorders

Research has shown that untreated mental health issues in childhood can have long-lasting effects, increasing the risk of mental health disorders in adulthood. By addressing mental health concerns early and providing appropriate interventions, we can potentially prevent or minimize the development of more severe mental health conditions later in life. Early intervention is key to promoting resilience and offering children the tools they need to navigate life's challenges successfully.

Addressing mental health in children early is of utmost importance to their overall well-being, development, and future success. By prioritizing mental health and providing the necessary support and interventions, we can help children build resilience, develop essential social and emotional skills, and prevent the onset of more severe mental health disorders. Early intervention not only benefits children individually but also contributes to creating a society that values and supports mental well-being. Let us prioritize the mental health of our children and foster a generation of emotionally healthy and resilient individuals.

Why it's important to share our stories

The "Imperfectly Perfect" campaign revolves around sharing stories of individuals who have faced adversity and found their purpose in life. The campaign aims to highlight the journey of these individuals, showcasing their imperfections and the challenges they have overcome along the way. By sharing these stories, the campaign hopes to inspire and empower others who may be going through similar struggles.

Is it YOUR turn to tell your story?

Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Book Series

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Book Series is a collection of inspirational stories from those who have overcome adversity, turned their pain into purpose, broken the mould to achieve or inspire change through relentless endeavour. Hailing from across the globe and diverse walks of life, we look for co-authors who are ready to step up and inspire change in the hearts and lives of many.

(And, at the same time become an International Co-Author part of a Global Movement )


Join Imperfectly Perfect, and some of the world's most influential Public Figures to build a LEGACY

Create credibility and influence with a book designed to INSPIRE & CREATE IMPACT.

ATTRACT MEDIA interviews, collaborations, and speaking engagements.

Be a part of a GLOBAL COMMUNITY that supports your growth, both personally and professionally.

Be positioned as an AUTHORITY in your field to attract opportunities


Become a INSPIRATIONAL CO-AUTHOR and expand your international reach being a part of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s GLOBAL REACH alongside our CELEBRITY CO-AUTHORS



Australian TV | Radio Personality Mel Greig speaks out!

Australian TV | Radio Personality Mel Greig asks ‘What happens the day after RUOK? and urges people to remember that there are more days to follow these mental health awareness days and some of those days will be great, and some will be shit.

But remember you still have a life and it is worth living.

Ambassador of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, Mel goes on to say, keep talking to your friends, seek professional help and just do what you can to survive - because you deserve to be here and you matter!

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign comes to 4 years old!

Over 8 million lives touched through the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign impact and reach and now coming up to 4 years !!

If you have seen the impact we have made and the work that’s gone in to it…. something we have never actually posted on our socials , we ask if you could think about helping the small guys who keep things sustainable to make a big difference by the ground work and don’t get help already with the big hefty funding.

If you feel led please feel free to contribute to our efforts where the money goes straight back in to the global efforts to keep it sustainable.

The Greatest Showman's Sam Humphrey appears on IPC TV


Sam Humphrey is a New Zealand (Kiwi) actor, who was raised in Melbourne, Australia. Early in his career, Sam caught the eye of casting directors after making an appearance in a documentary that intimately showcased the lives of young people with disabilities, who against all odds, made their dreams a reality.

He is most notably known for starring in one of the worlds biggest movies along with household names Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron., as Tom Thumb in the GREATEST SHOWMAN.

But what most PEOPLE don’t know is just how much he had to overcome to get there with being born with a rare genetic disorder called Acrodysplasia, which causes a slew of issues with bone growth, mental development and immune system abnormalities.

He was also diagnosed with the inflammatory bowel condition Crohn’s disease as a child, and has spent a lifetime visiting hospitals and doctors’ offices for operations and tests.

Be sure to check out this amazing episode as Sam shares his story.

'Silver Linings' A Journey to Happiness with Alex Fevola

With her new book 'Silver Linings' out Alex shares shares a story of resilience from a Australian woman who knows more than most about what it takes to bounce back from hardship. Growing up with a love of horses and make-up, and a determination to work hard; dabbling in modelling as a teen led to a promising start to a career in photography. A new chapter in her life was just beginning when tragedy struck, and she lost her partner and the father of her newborn daughter, Mia. Then, with barely a moment to grieve, and a young baby dependent on her, Alex almost succumbed to a life-threatening health emergency.

Life was to deal Alex Fevola many more lows and highs, and in this episode, founder Glenn Marsden chats with Alex to hear her journey and her efforts to share it to the world in her own words, for anybody out there that may have or be experiencing what she has had to go through.

‘This is my Story’ with Jonathan Lipnicki

Jonathan Lipnicki is an American actor and producer who is most notably known for his incredible roles as a child actor in some of the biggest films to come out of Hollywood such a Jerry MaguireStuart Little The Little Vampire (2000), Like Mike (2002), Dr Dolittle.

He has also starred in multiple television series inc that of hit show Dawson's Creek , the family guy , The Resident to name but a few.

Over these past couple of years, he has continued a successful career working within the entertainment industry not only being in front of the camera but turning his hand to producing as well.

Founder Glenn Marsden chats with Jonathan delving into his story and hearing of a normal kid’s new reality of on the one hand being known as that ‘adorable cute kid’ in some of Hollywoods Biggest Movies and recognised everywhere, and on the other hand, his own reality of dealing with panic attacks and anxiety at an early age. Then to start his middle school experience with torment from school bullies.

'2021 will forever be a year of change' with Sam Otto

Actor and singer Sam Otto most notably known for the lead in Peter Kosminksy’s explosive drama ‘The State’, which went on to receive a BAFTA nomination, ‘Snowpiercer’ on TNT and Netflix, and a lead role in James Graham's play 'Best of Enemies' at The Young Vic in London joins us for this incredible episode sharing his own journey.

We hear all about what it took through choices to change the course of his life and pursue a career in the arts and the journey it took him on to the present with the amazing response to his character and ' Snowpiercer ' as a show receiving rave reviews.

We delve deep into hearing that 2021 for Sam was his hardest year yet. Crazy and exciting but painful and full of heartbreak at the same time with more tears, more isolation, more loneliness and more fear. Yet we also hear how he saw it was a time that brought a realness in people not seen for a long time, bringing people closer and more honest.

To find out more about Sam and where you can find him simply head to his socials at:


IG: @_samotto