
Matt Berriman Resigns from his position as Chair of Mental Health Australia

In recent news, the resignation of the Chair of Mental Health Australia, Matt Berriman, has brought to light glaring issues within Australia's mental health system.

What's more alarming is the revelation that the Prime Minister of the country has never held a meeting with him throughout his three-year tenure.

This raises serious questions about the government's commitment to addressing the mental health epidemic plaguing our nation.

Berriman's departure comes with a candid admission: despite the influx of funds into mental health initiatives, he felt stifled in his role.

He expressed frustration at not being able to voice what needed to be said.

Moreover, stating that Labour has not adequately supported mental health efforts.

But let's take a broader look at the Mental Health situation here in Australia….

We have veterans who have sacrificed for our country, yet struggle to access the help they desperately need.

We have individuals reaching out to helplines in crisis, only to find themselves turned away or left waiting for assistance that never comes.

Meanwhile, significant sums of money are poured into large organisations, yet the public continues to hear the same refrain: "We need to do better" and "More funding is going into research."

The disconnect between the allocation of resources and the tangible support received by those in need is staggering.

Why is it that the public feels compelled to pour donations into organisations already receiving substantial funding, while individuals struggling with mental health challenges are left without access to essential services?

It's time to demand accountability and transparency from our leaders.

It's time to ensure that every dollar allocated to mental health is spent effectively and reaches those who need it most.

It's time to prioritise action over rhetoric and prioritise the well-being of our citizens above all else.

Unveiling the Silence: Understanding the Stigma of Mental Health in Asian Countries

In many parts of the world, mental health has gradually emerged from the shadows of stigma, finding its place in public discourse and policy agendas. However, in several Asian countries, conversations around mental health remain conspicuously muted. This silence is not merely a cultural quirk but a deeply ingrained societal issue with far-reaching consequences.

Cultural Stigma and Shame

Asia is a mosaic of diverse cultures, each with its own set of values, norms, and traditions. Despite this diversity, many Asian societies share a common trait: a deeply entrenched stigma surrounding mental health issues. Mental illness is often perceived as a personal failure or weakness rather than a legitimate medical condition. Consequently, individuals and families often choose to suffer in silence rather than seek help.

Cultural Factors at Play

The reasons behind this stigma are multifaceted. Confucian values emphasizing harmony, collectivism, and saving face play a significant role. Mental health problems are often viewed as disruptive to familial and societal harmony, leading individuals to suppress their struggles to avoid bringing shame upon themselves and their families.

Moreover, the emphasis on self-reliance and perseverance in the face of adversity discourages seeking external support for mental health concerns. As a result, issues such as depression, anxiety, and trauma are frequently internalized rather than addressed openly.

Lack of Awareness and Education

Another contributing factor is the lack of awareness and education surrounding mental health. Misconceptions and myths about mental illness abound, perpetuating fear and misunderstanding. In many Asian countries, discussions about mental health are conspicuously absent from school curricula and public health campaigns. Consequently, individuals may struggle to recognize symptoms or may dismiss them altogether, further perpetuating the cycle of stigma and silence.

Access to Mental Health Services

Compounding the issue is the limited availability and accessibility of mental health services in many Asian countries. Mental health resources are often concentrated in urban centers, leaving rural populations underserved. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental illness discourages individuals from seeking professional help even when services are available.

The Toll of Silence

The repercussions of this silence are profound. Untreated mental health issues can lead to a myriad of negative outcomes, including impaired functioning, strained relationships, and even suicide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 60% of suicides worldwide occur in Asia, with suicide rates notably high among young people.

Furthermore, the economic burden of untreated mental illness is staggering. Lost productivity, increased healthcare costs, and the impact on caregivers exact a heavy toll on individuals, families, and society as a whole.

A Call to Action

Addressing the stigma of mental health in Asian countries requires a multifaceted approach. Efforts to raise awareness, educate the public, and promote culturally sensitive mental health services are essential. Initiatives that engage community leaders, religious institutions, and schools can help challenge entrenched beliefs and foster supportive environments for those struggling with mental health issues.

Moreover, integrating mental health into primary healthcare systems and expanding access to affordable services are critical steps toward breaking down barriers to care. By destigmatising mental illness and promoting a culture of acceptance and support, Asian countries can pave the way for brighter, healthier futures for all their citizens.

The silence surrounding mental health in Asian countries is a complex issue rooted in cultural stigma, lack of awareness, and limited access to services. However, by acknowledging these challenges and taking proactive steps to address them, Asian societies can begin to break the chains of stigma and usher in a new era of openness, understanding, and support for mental health issues.

This is something the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is trying to take an active approach on in taking our conversations in to many of these countries that still don’t openly speak on Mental Health

The Importance of Year-Round Mental Health Conversations: Beyond Awareness Months

The holiday season often paints a picture of warmth, joy, and togetherness, but for many, it can also be a time of increased stress, loneliness, and emotional turbulence. While awareness months and designated days play a crucial role in initiating conversations around mental health, it's imperative to recognise that these discussions should not be confined to specific times of the year. The need for ongoing dialogue becomes even more critical during the holiday season.

Beyond Awareness Campaigns: A Year-Round Commitment

While mental health awareness months and days serve as valuable catalysts for starting conversations, they should not be seen as the sole periods to address these crucial issues. Mental health is a complex and ongoing journey that doesn't adhere to a calendar schedule. Waiting for designated awareness periods may inadvertently contribute to the stigmatisation of mental health discussions during the rest of the year.

The Holiday Struggle: A Silent Battle

The holiday season can be a challenging time for many individuals, bringing about heightened emotions, financial pressures, and increased social expectations. Conversations around mental health during this time are not only relevant but also necessary. It's essential to acknowledge that for some, the holidays magnify feelings of isolation, grief, and stress. Engaging in open conversations during this period can provide much-needed support.

The Danger of Seasonal Support: A Call for Consistency

Posting supportive messages on social media during awareness campaigns is commendable, but it's crucial to extend this support consistently throughout the year. Many individuals who struggle with mental health concerns find it disheartening when the focus shifts away after awareness periods end. The sporadic nature of these conversations can make them seem insincere and, at times, overwhelming for those in need.

A Reminder of Imperfection: Authenticity in Action

It's essential to acknowledge that nobody is perfect, and supporting mental health isn't about getting it right all the time. Authenticity in conversations, even during the holiday season, fosters genuine connections. Understanding that everyone faces challenges and that ongoing support is more valuable than sporadic gestures is key.

Breaking the Silence: Encouraging Open Dialogues

To truly make a difference, we must break the silence around mental health consistently. Engaging in open, honest, and empathetic conversations throughout the year creates an environment where individuals feel heard and supported. This approach not only helps in destigmatising mental health but also encourages those who are struggling to reach out for help.

Shifting the Narrative

As we navigate the holiday season, let's collectively commit to fostering year-round conversations about mental health. It's not about being perfect or having all the answers; it's about genuine, ongoing support. By extending our understanding and compassion consistently, we can create a world where mental health is a topic of conversation every day, not just on awareness months or days. Together, let's shift the narrative and build a community that uplifts and supports one another in every season.

Join our Global Volunteer Teams

You know, it's amazing how we often see people coming together to help those who are struggling, especially when it's the public, the community, that steps in to make a difference.

I was just reflecting on this recently in a conversation I had.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign movement has always been about people helping people, paying it forward, sharing our stories to help others.

I started wondering, what more can we do to give back and make a positive impact?

It's funny how the universe ( I say God ) seems to respond when you ask that question. As I was walking to the shops, I turned a corner and saw a man sitting on the ground with his dog, with little belongings, holding a sign that said "hungry and homeless."

It was not only a stark reminder of the challenges some people face daily but clearly I know when something is put in front of me.

So as the public, as a community, as a collective we have the power to make a difference.

What if the imperfectly perfect campaign could mobilize our global community, with dedicated team leaders creating an "Imperfectly Perfect Task Force" of volunteers?

Reach out to the public, those who are able and willing to donate spare towels, bedding, clothes, toiletries, food, or anything that might provide some comfort to those who find themselves on the streets.

Imagine the impact we could have if we all came together, each contributing what we can, to support those in need.

If you share our passion for helping others, we invite you to be a part of our volunteering team in your own country.

To join this movement and be a force for positive change, please reach out to our team today at generalenquiries@imperfectlyperfectcampaign.org in showing your interest.

In the next fortnight, we will be holding an online meeting regarding this mission.

Your compassion, your willingness to give, and your desire to make a difference can create a ripple effect of kindness that can change lives, so join us.

Are you ready to share YOUR story?

Sharing your story can be incredibly important and impactful for several reasons:

  1. Inspiring and empowering others: By sharing your story, you provide a source of inspiration and motivation for others who may be going through similar experiences. Your journey, struggles, and triumphs can show them that it is possible to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Your story can give them the strength to keep going and not give up.

  2. Creating a sense of connection: Sharing your story can create a deep sense of connection and empathy among people. When others hear about your challenges, they may realize that they are not alone in their struggles. This sense of connection can be comforting and reassuring, fostering a supportive community where people can come together, share their experiences, and provide support to one another.

  3. Breaking stigmas and reducing isolation: Many individuals face societal stigmas and discrimination related to their experiences, such as mental health issues, addiction, or personal trauma. By openly sharing your story, you challenge those stigmas and help reduce the isolation that individuals may feel. When people realize that others have faced similar challenges and are still leading fulfilling lives, it can encourage them to seek help and support without fear of judgment.

  4. Educating and raising awareness: Sharing your story can educate others about various issues, shedding light on topics that may be misunderstood or overlooked. It can raise awareness about social, cultural, or health-related issues, promoting understanding and empathy. Your story can also help dispel myths and misconceptions, contributing to a more informed and compassionate society.

  5. Fostering personal growth and healing: Sharing your story can be a cathartic and healing experience for yourself. It allows you to reflect on your journey, process your emotions, and find meaning in your experiences. Through sharing, you may gain new insights, perspectives, and a deeper understanding of your own journey. Additionally, hearing positive feedback and knowing that your story has helped others can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Overall, sharing your story is a powerful way to create positive change in the lives of others, promote empathy and understanding, and contribute to personal growth and healing. It allows us to learn from one another, support each other, and collectively strive for a more compassionate and inclusive society.

Are you ready to share your story?

Then join the rest of our international co-authors for Volume 1 of our book series.

Evan Carmichael gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

‘Being Imperfectly Perfect is looking at yourself with kindness and recognising that the mistakes you made in the past, you did the best you could with what you had. We just are constantly living with regret of what we wish we should have done or feel or judged ourselves or should have done. And so it’s looking back with kinder eyes to say, you did the best with what you had, but now it’s ok. You are awesome and you can create something amazing and the fact that you’re imperfect is the greatest gift of all’. - Evan Carmichael

Gary Vaynerchuck called him the DJ who inspires people and Ed Mylett called him the modern day Napoleon Hill. At 19, he built then sold a biotech software company.

At 22, he was a venture capitalist raising $500k to $15M. He now runs a YouTube channel for entrepreneurs with over 3 million subscribers and 500 million views, wrote 4 books, and speaks globally.

He wants to solve the world’s biggest problem, people don’t #Believe in themselves enough.

Forbes named him one of the world’s top 40 social marketing talents and Inc. named him one of the 100 great leadership speakers and 25 social media keynote speakers you need to know.

So what a privilege and honour to get Evan Carmichael behind our global efforts of having those all too often hard conversations and sharing his story on an upcoming episode of our show.

Make sure to click the link below to subscribe to the podcast a remember to leave a review after listening to our show.


They are some of the worlds biggest names across their industries from Hollywood Celebrities, to some of the biggest names on the Sports Field, to the most prolific corporate leaders and game changers and you can listen to their stories as founder Glenn Marsden chats to them weekly only on the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast

Be sure to subscribe to the show via all major podcast platforms so you get notified each time a new episode airs


'Unlocking the Unlimited Power of Your Mind with Dr Joe Dispenza

You can now watch our latest podcast episode via our Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ImperfectlyPerfectCampaign

Dr. Joe Dispenza joins Founder Glenn Marsden to not only share his story but to talk about how our thoughts and emotions can affect our physical body, the unconscious process of making your feelings become the means of thinking, and reaching an awareness of the possibilities you haven’t thought before.

Dr Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. His post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence.

He is somebody whose work is admired by the masses around the world and we are so excited to have him on the show and have his support to our Global Efforts of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.


WEBSITE - https://bit.ly/2LlWw7h

FACEBOOK - https://bit.ly/2sBounG

YOUTUBE - https://bit.ly/2Jqja0I

TWITTER - http://bit.ly/2JQNdz6

INSTAGRAM - https://bit.ly/2xL7OQy

Angelica Bridges gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

‘There is no such thing as perfection. To me, it just means being yourself and not worrying about creating an image or having to prove anything to anyone that you are a certain way or anything. People I find will love you more for your honesty, for being who you are, not trying to be someone else because you’ll never align if you are trying to be someone else. The more authentic you are in this life, in this world the easier it is and like you said the more you let go of things, things then get easier and they start to flow and that’s about being Imperfect’ @angelicabridges

A huge honour having the incredible Angelica Bridges getting straight behind our Global Efforts and share her story on the Podcast.

Perhaps best known for her role as “Lt. Taylor Walsh”, on the international television series, “BAYWATCH”, The show which went on to become, “The Most Watched Television Show in the World" and aired in 142 countries, she has appeared in countless movies and tv series, graced the covers of some of the most iconic publications, toured internationally with an early music career, is an author, a businesswoman and philanthropist who not only has her own foundation to give back but helps countless organisations dear to her heart all year round and in the upcoming episode we get to hear about everything.

We go deep and get to know the person behind the profession, the accolades and career, and see where it all began for Angelica

This is an unbelievable episode coming up which will be coming up shortly so be sure to click the link in our bio to subscribe to the show to keep notified of when the episode airs.

'It's a darkness that overcomes you and becomes a habit' with Andrea Logan

Listen to this episode from ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast on Spotify. She is not only one of Hollywood's leading Celebrity Trainers who has had an incredible career training some of the biggest names to date but somebody who has overcomes not one but two rounds of adversity dealing with an overwhelming eating disorder that she describes as a darkness that overcame her and become a habit, to being involved in a near fatal car accident where she was told she would never walk again.

She is not only one of Hollywood’s leading Celebrity Trainers who has had an incredible career training some of the biggest names to date but somebody who has overcomes not one but two rounds of adversity dealing with an overwhelming eating disorder that she describes as a darkness that overcame her and become a habit, to being involved in a near fatal car accident where she was told she would never walk again.

In this powerful episode we go deeper than ever before covering the overbearing addiction of an eating disorder and how Andrea came through it.

We hear about how the majority of doctors told her she would be paralysed from the neck down but she wouldn't give up hope and found a doctor who she says performed a miracle on her that not only saw her gain full mobility again but gave her back her passion and career in fitness.

To find out more information about Andrea, simply head to her socials at @andrealoganfitness

To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and our Global Efforts, simply head to any of our socials @imperfectlyperfectcampaign or our official website at imperfectlyperfectcampaign.org

Be sure to head to the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast via all major podcast platforms including iTunes & Spotify

Voice Over: Mike Christenson (voicemonkey.com)

Vice President of Customer & Market Insights at SalesForce Karen Mangia gets Behind the Global Efforts of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign

'Imperfectly Perfect to me means being able to show up as yourself unapologetically. It also means just calling it out loud. Speaking it into the room. When ...

‘Imperfectly Perfect to me means being able to show up as yourself unapologetically. It also means just calling it out loud. Speaking it into the room. When you are feeling that you are not yourself or something is out of alignment. What happens and I learnt this in a very real way. When I got to the end of that medical journey that I had mentioned that I was telling you about earlier in the podcast, I decided for the first time in my life that I was going to take holiday for two weeks and do no work. The unintended benefit and the lesson I learnt from that is when I returned to work, I’ll never forget a comment from one woman on my team. She said, ‘I’m so glad you finally trusted us enough to leave us here in charge and to take a break’ and I though Oh My Goodness, in trying to show up as perfect and do it all, I had unintentionally set a very damaging expectation with my team, that they needed to be perfect to. I started showing up differently with that team. We got to break through results that would not have been possible because for me it was like, they know I’m not perfect and they know I need a break, because we are human.’

Karen is not only an incredible advocate with whom we are truly grateful for her getting behind the IPC & sharing her story, but an internationally-recognized thought leader whose TEDx appearance, keynotes, blogs and books reach hundreds of thousands of business leaders each year. She is the author of Working from Home: Making the New Normal Work for You, Listen UP! How to Tune Into Customers and Turn Down the Noise and also Success With Less.

A prolific blogger and sought-after media interview, she has been featured in Forbes and regularly contributes to Thrive Global and ZDNet.

As Vice President of Customer and Market Insights at Salesforce, she engages current and future customers around the world. She serves on the company’s Work from Home Taskforce, where she is helping the company’s 50,000+ worldwide employees to better adapt to a work-from-home environment.

Passionate about diversity and inclusion, she also serves on the company’s Racial Equality and Justice Taskforce.

American God's Ricky Whittle Gets Behind The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

'Imperfectly Perfect means everyone is perfect the way they are. In a world of social media and appearance, we're afraid to post a picture without a filter o...

‘Imperfectly Perfect means everyone is perfect the way they are. In a world of social media and appearance, we’re afraid to post a picture without a filter on. Be yourself. Be that imperfect person.
If you constantly put out this fake highlight reel of yourself, you are only going to attract people who don’t really care or don’t realise they don’t care, about you.
If you put your imperfect self out there, whatever size, shape, age, look, belief whatever it is you are into, put your true self out there. We are all unique, we’re all from different backgrounds, we’re all different builds, ages, sexual orientations, religions, beliefs. We’re all special.’ - @rickywhittle

A huge thank you to ‘American Gods’ lead Ricky Whittle for his advocacy and getting behind the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign Global Efforts and sharing his story on the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast in aims to join us all in building a legacy - a legacy that surpasses time. A legacy that provides education, healing, support, advocacy and public awareness so that the conversation around mental health disorders normalizes, enabling your children, grand children and future generations to live without stigmas attached to mental health.

We are truly grateful and we cannot wait to share this episode with you.

Join founder Glenn Marsden as he chats with Ricky about an incredible career in the UK through to taking a leap into the unknown, that is Hollywood, to have some amazing success in hit shows and films & then cast as the lead in one of the US’s biggest shows ‘American Gods’

Not only do we hear all about his amazing work, we get to know all about the man behind the profession.

Remember to head to Spotify or IHeartRadio to subscribe to the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast today to be notified as soon as all of our latest episodes are released.

'I hadnt made my lifes mistakes yet, but when I did it was Public Knowledge' with Natasha Hamilton

Listen to this episode from ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast on Spotify. Natasha Hamilton is a TV Personality, Actress, Businesswoman and Singer best known for being one-third of Atomic Kitten, one of the UK's most internationally successful girl groups of the last 20 years, selling over 10 million records worldwide.

Natasha Hamilton is a TV Personality, Actress, Businesswoman and Singer best known for being one-third of Atomic Kitten, one of the UK’s most internationally successful girl groups of the last 20 years, selling over 10 million records worldwide.

The group celebrated numerous global number one singles and albums while they dominated the charts throughout their pop reign.

Atomic Kitten were a tornado of inimitable talent that attracted numerous prestigious gigs, including performing for royalty. They sang alongside global superstars and toured the world.

This weeks episode; Founder Glenn Marsden had such an amazing chat with Natasha where we hear all about her incredible career from signing a record deal at 16, leaving home to be a part of a pop band and travel the world to experiencing massive learning curves at such a young age, very publicly, how at times it felt like a pressure cooker, and how her mental health suffered along the journey.

We hear about Natasha's battles with post natal depression with two of her pregnancies and how cognitive behavioural therapy revolutionised her life to the point she used her platform and advocacy to build a wellness business, Live Better Wellness, around exogenous ketones, mindset and education.

You can follow Natasha on her social media platforms for her candid and honest accounts of her life’s highs and lows and the free support Natasha offers to her community @natashahamilton / @livebetterwithnatasha

You can also head to her official website at: https://www.livebetterwithnatasha.com

A big thank you to our Podcast Voice-Over: Mike Christenson (thevoicemonkey.com)

Global Mental Health Summit Featured in Forbes.


Founder @_glennmarsden recently asked to be a part of an International Panel of Speakers for the latest social media application ‘Clubhouse’ for its first of a kind online Mental Health Global Summits.

Featuring over 50 speakers over a 4 day period, it was an inspirational summit drawing in the hundreds of people daily and featured in Forbes.

Atomic Kitten's Natasha Hamilton gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts

'Nobody is perfect. I think people are terrified to grow and get outside of their comfort zone because they are so caught up in trying to portray perfection....

‘Nobody is perfect. I think people are terrified to grow and get outside of their comfort zone because they are so caught up in trying to portray perfection. The minute I just went, This is Bullshit, I am not perfect. Some days I’m a complete mess. For me, my social media is being authentic to who I am. There will be days when I just show up and I’ll go into my group and I’ll be like; I don’t feel good. I am this ball of energy, but I’m also like this little softie as well. Don’t be afraid, it’s not a weakness. When you acknowledge it, that’s the first step to change.
For me, I just want to use the platforms that I do have to 1: empower people and 2: to take away that pressure that people put on themselves.’
- @natashahamilton

As we take our efforts more and more around the world to make a global difference, we are honoured to have the backing of some of Britain’s biggest names getting behind the efforts in helping us change the culture and narrative around Mental Health.

Natasha Hamilton is a TV Personality, Actress, Businesswoman and Singer best known for being one-third of Atomic Kitten, one of the UK’s most internationally successful girl groups of the last 20 years, selling over 10 million records worldwide. The group celebrated numerous global number one singles and albums while they dominated the charts throughout their pop reign.

Atomic Kitten were a tornado of inimitable talent that attracted numerous prestigious gigs, including performing for royalty. They sang alongside global superstars and toured the world.

Founder Glenn had such an amazing chat with Natasha this week for the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast where we hear her incredible journey and story.

Make sure to keep up to date with Natasha through her socials @natashahamilton where she also runs initiatives empowering countless people around the world.

Be sure to subscribe to the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast via Spotify or IHeartRadio to keep updated as soon as the latest podcast episode is released.

'In those Unbearable Moments, we have to know that there is greater, as hard as it may seem' with Brittney Harper

Brittney Harper is a multidimensional woman,making her mark in Ministry as an Author, Entrepreneur, TV personality, spirit-led teacher of God's Word and Prophetic Intercessor.

Brittney Harper is a multidimensional woman,making her mark in Ministry as an Author, Entrepreneur, TV personality, spirit-led teacher of God’s Word and Prophetic Intercessor. As a much-in-demand speaker and teacher of the gospel and prophetic voice to many, she continues to travel both nationally and inter-nationally to fulfill her mandated mission: to transform lives, heal hearts, encourage others to find and live in purpose, teach deeper truths and show others the way to live abundantly through Christ.

For those who have never felt or understood spirituality, make sure to give the episode a listen. If there is a commonality between so many people that we have interviewed, through those dark periods of adversity they have come out the other side believing in something far bigger than themselves. We feel very fortunate that the IPC has attracted incredible experts within the medical field, Clinical Professionals, Holistic Therapists, those who teach Spirituality and truly feel blessed that we get to interview and learn so much to be able to get help to so many.

To find out more information and to keep up to date with Brittney, simply head to her official website at www.britnney-harper.org/ or you can follow her through her socials @glory_n_honr

To find out more information on the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and our global efforts, simply head to our official website at imperfectlyperfectcampaign.org

Voice-Over - Mike Christenson (thevoicemonkey.com)

British Recording Artist Jamelia gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts.

'I think being Imperfectly Perfect is beautiful. Allowing everyone around you to be honest. We are all weird. We are all a bit quirky and that's beautiful. L...

‘I think being Imperfectly Perfect is beautiful. Allowing everyone around you to be honest. We are all weird. We are all a bit quirky and that’s beautiful. Let’s celebrate that. Go out into the world and be exactly who you are. Dr Seuss said; ‘Those who matter, don’t mind and those who mind, don’t matter’and that’s exactly how I want my children and myself. The best thing we can do now is to pass these messages or these lessons on to our children and from the jump, you be exactly who you are. Are you honest? Are you allowing yourself to be honest? - Jamelia

A huge thank you to Britian’s very own singer-songwriter Jamelia for getting behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s Global Efforts in changing the culture and narrative around Mental Health.

Jamelia is not only an incredible advocate for people speaking up but somebody who has sold millions of albums and scored number one’s all over the world. She has won multiple awards including 4 Mobo’s a Q award and an Ivor Novello. She’s appeared on programmes on every major UK TV channel and hit the screens on countless movies both in front and her music as soundtracks and tv screens.

So we are truly grateful for her taking the time out of her schedule to get behind our efforts and share her story on the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast.

Releasing this week, be sure to head to Spotify or IHeartRadio to subscribe and keep notified when the episode drops.


The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Founder Glenn Marsden's Five Page Spread in Australia's 'Thrive Health & Wellness' Magazine.

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A huge thank you to Thrive Magazine and Jenni Gilbert for this incredible 5 page spread article on Founder Glenn Marsden’s journey and global efforts with the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.

We are truly grateful for so many people inc the network coverage and publications getting behind our efforts to help build a legacy that surpasses time. That provides education, support, advocacy and public awareness so that conversations around mental health disorders normalises, enabling our children, grand-children and future generations to live without stigmas attaches to mental health.

To read the article and check out the magazine simply head to the magazines official website at: www.thrivemagazine.com.au

Time To Talk About Men's Mental Health with the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign

For so long society has had men staying silent about their struggles. No more.... .

Men Cry.

Men Break Down.

Men suffer with Eating Disorders & Body Dysmorphia.

Men have Suicidal Thoughts.

Men die by Suicide.

Men suffer with Mental Illness.

Men: Acknowledging this struggle is our most powerful show of strength because real men help other men power through.

We need to be encouraging men to speak out, not letting them suffer in silence. That is exactly what so many of the incredible faces and advocates getting behind the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign Global Efforts are doing. Standing up, stepping forward, using their voices and sharing their stories to let other men, anybody out there struggling, they are not alone.

Huge thank you to these guys: @iamjrmartinez @officialhumptydumpty @robmackofficial @justinguarini @jeremyjacksonfitness @bobbydazzler84 @anthonytrucks @glenn_marsden

Building A Conscious, Kind and Inclusive Community'

Lindsay Vogal and Juliane Hagn are the hosts of the highly acclaimed 'Defined Podcast' over in the USA and are truly changing the landscape around collectively bringing people together globally to build a conscious, kind and inclusive community. With the premise of the podcast to help people share their stories, share their voices, and know that their voices are important.

Lindsay Vogal and Juliane Hagn are the hosts of the highly acclaimed 'Defined Podcast' over in the USA and are truly changing the landscape around collectively bringing people together globally to build a conscious, kind and inclusive community. With the premise of the podcast to help people share their stories, share their voices, and know that their voices are important. Lindsay and Juliene have gone on to provide such an incredible platform of bringing so many voices together. In this episode we hear what brought Lindsay and Juliane together for this shared mission to have people know that their voices are being both heard and important and where it came from which has a truly remarkable back-story. So make sure to tune in and listen as the ladies go deep, they get real and share their stories.

To find out more about The Defined Podcast and both Lindsay and julianne simply click on the links below: IG: @definedpodcast / @julianehagn / @leaveit2lindsay