Mental Health Workshops

How do we change the narrative around Mental Health "Globally"

Changing the narrative around mental health globally requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that involves various stakeholders, including organizations, communities, and individuals and is something that the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign has been working on behind the scenes for the past four and a half years.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign continues to help in shifting the narrative and reducing the stigma associated with mental health by:

  1. Education and awareness: Promoting mental health literacy through educational programs in schools, workplaces, and communities. Providing and directing to organisations with accurate information about mental health conditions, their prevalence, and available treatments. Encourage open conversations about mental health to increase understanding and empathy.

  2. Challenging stereotypes and stigma: We address misconceptions and stereotypes about mental health by sharing stories of recovery and resilience. We encourage individuals with lived experience to speak out and share their stories, highlighting that mental health issues can affect anyone and that seeking help is a sign of strength.

  3. Media representation: We continue to spread our message and work with media outlets to ensure accurate and sensitive portrayals of mental health in movies, TV shows, news articles, and social media and promote positive and realistic representations of individuals with mental health conditions to counter stigmatizing and sensationalized narratives

  4. Policy and legislation: We have been advocating for policies in the workplace that prioritize mental health at national and international levels and encourage organisations to allocate sufficient resources for mental health services within the work place, improve access to care, and enforce anti-discrimination policies.

  5. Collaborative partnerships: We foster collaborations among organizations, mental health professionals, community leaders, and individuals affected by mental health issues. We believe that collective efforts can help develop and implement effective strategies, share best practices, and promote a unified message of understanding and support.

  6. Empowerment and self-care: We promote self-care practices and resilience-building activities that enhance mental well-being and encourage individuals to prioritize their mental health, seek help when needed, and engage in activities that promote stress reduction, such as exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies.

  7. Workplace mental health: We encourage employers to prioritize mental health in the workplace by providing corporate talks to supportive policies, resources, and training for managers and employees. We promote work-life balance, flexible working arrangements, and destigmatize conversations around mental health at work.

  8. Investment in research ( priority of Imperfectly Perfect Campaign in the future with funding ): We aim to support and fund research initiatives focused on mental health to enhance understanding, develop innovative treatments, and inform evidence-based interventions. Research can help challenge existing narratives and lead to advancements in mental health care.

  9. Global collaboration: We foster international cooperation and knowledge exchange to address mental health challenges on a global scale. We share successful strategies and learn from diverse cultural perspectives to develop inclusive and context-specific approaches.

We would like to remind that changing the narrative around mental health is an ongoing process that requires sustained efforts and something here at Imperfectly Perfect Campaign we push each and every day.

By working together and advocating for positive change, we can reduce stigma, increase awareness, and create a more supportive and inclusive environment for individuals with mental health conditions worldwide.

Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace

Addressing mental health in the workplace is crucial for creating a supportive and productive work environment.

In the last few years, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign has spent time with numerous companies opening up these conversations with our Mental Health Programs.

Here are some key strategies and initiatives that can help promote mental well-being among employees:

  1. Promote awareness and reduce stigma: Educate employees about mental health issues, symptoms, and available resources. Foster an open and inclusive culture where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health without fear of judgment or negative consequences.

  2. Employee assistance programs (EAPs): Implement an EAP that provides confidential counseling and support services for employees facing personal or work-related challenges. EAPs can offer counseling, therapy sessions, and referrals to mental health professionals.

  3. Flexible work arrangements: Offer flexible work options such as telecommuting, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks. This allows employees to manage their workload and personal responsibilities, reducing stress and promoting work-life balance.

  4. Training and development: Provide mental health training programs to managers and employees to enhance their understanding of mental health issues, stress management techniques, and the importance of self-care. This equips them with the skills to identify signs of distress and offer appropriate support.

  5. Workload management: Ensure workloads are manageable and realistic, avoiding excessive or prolonged periods of stress. Encourage open communication about workload challenges and provide necessary resources or adjustments to help employees cope effectively.

  6. Encourage breaks and self-care: Promote regular breaks, encourage employees to take vacation time, and emphasize the importance of self-care activities such as exercise, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. Encourage employees to disconnect from work during non-working hours.

  7. Create a supportive work environment: Foster a culture of support and teamwork. Encourage positive relationships, peer support, and mentoring opportunities. Develop employee resource groups or affinity groups where individuals can connect and share their experiences.

  8. Improve communication channels: Establish effective communication channels that allow employees to voice concerns, suggestions, or feedback about their mental well-being. Encourage open-door policies, anonymous suggestion boxes, or online platforms for confidential communication.

  9. Mental health policies and resources: Implement policies that explicitly address mental health concerns, such as reasonable accommodations for employees with mental health conditions. Provide access to mental health resources and information, such as employee assistance programs, counseling services, and helplines.

  10. Monitor and measure progress: Regularly assess the effectiveness of mental health initiatives through employee surveys, focus groups, or feedback mechanisms. Use this information to refine and improve existing programs and initiatives.

Remember, addressing mental health in the workplace requires a comprehensive and ongoing effort. It's essential to involve all levels of the organization, from leadership to individual employees, to create a supportive environment where mental well-being is prioritized.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign comes to 4 years old!

Over 8 million lives touched through the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign impact and reach and now coming up to 4 years !!

If you have seen the impact we have made and the work that’s gone in to it…. something we have never actually posted on our socials , we ask if you could think about helping the small guys who keep things sustainable to make a big difference by the ground work and don’t get help already with the big hefty funding.

If you feel led please feel free to contribute to our efforts where the money goes straight back in to the global efforts to keep it sustainable.

'Everybody needs a strong support system in everything they do' with Craig Levinson

Our first episode for 2022 and founder Glenn Marsden chats with Craig Levinson – A Talent Manager in the USA as well as mentor and manager to Zion Clark who under his management is taking the world by storm.

A Netflix Documentary, Brand Deals, Opportunities amongst many other things.

He is somebody in the USA who certainly knows how to make things happen for his clients that is for sure, but there is a side to Craig that we absolutely drew to immediately upon getting to know him.

That was his undeniable support for those around him.

We knew we wanted to hear Craig's story and find out more about the man behind making sure everybody around him has that support system they need in everything they do, and why it is so important to him.

South African born New Zealand raised, Craig made a bold move at 19 to the USA to pursue his dreams of playing college basketball which saw a natural progression to becoming a strong advocate for optimising human performance through health and wellness.

Throughout this passion and playing in the game, Craig found an appreciation in helping others. With a background and experience in both Marketing and Business Development, Craig saw that he could not only help talent in their careers but also make sure they had the support that is necessary.

Thus he created his own Talent Agency in representing both athletes and influencers.

This is an incredible episode of not only an entrepreneurial journey and what can be achieved when you put your mind to something, work hard and learn that sometimes in life you simply have to make that bold move to achieve what you want.

But an episode that gives you an insight into the person behind the profession that makes sure Mental Wellbeing and support systems are always top priority.

Dr. Joe Dispenza gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Global Efforts and shares his story

‘If I could today, teach my body emotionally how I want to feel. Then I have got to remember this feeling and I have got to keep my attention on it, I have got to keep it alive with my awareness and feel the feelings of my future before it happens and if I can maintain this modified state of mind and body, my entire day independent of any of my environment, any drive, any need, any emotion, any habit in my body, and independent of time I can sustain it. There should be something weird, something unusual or something new to show up in my life. And then if at the end of my day, I can say in my ‘Imperfectly Perfect’ self, how’d you do today, where did you fall from grace, where’d you lose it. How could you do it better tomorrow?’ - @drjoedispenza

An upcoming episode for the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast with Dr Joe Dispenza

Dr Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. His post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence.

As a researcher, lecturer, author, and corporate consultant, his interest lies in demystifying the mystical so that people have all the tools within their reach to make measurable changes in their lives.

Be sure to subscribe to the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast by clicking the link in our bio today so that you get notified as soon as the mind blowing episode goes live.

To find out more about the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, our Global Efforts and how you can get involved, simply head to our official website today at

To find out more about Dr Joe Dispenza, simply head to his social platforms at @drjoedispenza or head to his official website today at

Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s Global Efforts to Challenge the Narrative around Mental Health

They are some of the worlds most recognised faces across entertainment, sports and corporate getting behind the Global Efforts of the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign founded by 1 Photographer whose aim was to change the ‘face’ of Mental Health & Challenge the Narrative around out.

The overarching aim of Imperfectly Perfect is to change the face of mental health by dismantling the stigmas associated with it. These stigmas tear at the very fabric of society where the very elemental courtesies for human decency are forgotten and eroded.

One stigma utilizes a language that proposes that Mental Health starts and ends quickly. Snapping out of it is a phrase often heard as a satisfactory treatment in the torrential battle of mental health disorders that engulf lives.

The scars of mental health disorders are very real and behind a face that from the outside you think is doing okay, there is a conversation we do not want to hear or listen to.

“Have you ever hated yourself and your life so much that you wanted to kill yourself? I have. [Robb Mack]

Isolated, given labels that epitomize citizens of the world who may lack intelligence, creativity and any sense of positive value, who battle a silent enemy. Every moment, minute, hour of the day, they fight, fight a battle that leaves them bereft, broken and exhausted.

"I have to fight. This Negative Self Harm talk, fear, doubt, insecurity demon that tells me "its all pointless, why bother, stay in bed it's never gunna get better, give up already […] and on and on and on." [Jeremy Jackson]

Stop for a moment, if this were someone you loved, your brother, sister, wife, husband or friend how would you champion them in their constant battle.

By changing the culture and challenging the perceptions of Mental Health Awareness, Imperfectly Perfect captures the essence of humanity by helping the world to see there is a serious issue that has no barrier of fame, fortune, social status, creed, beliefs, ethnicity or age. Their innovation is centred with founder, Glenn Marsden who captures the visceral emotion frame by frame, tear drop by tear drop. Glenn's heart knows, truly knows the plight through personal experience.

With that heart he is breaking ground and forging new paths. Join Imperfectly Perfect, and some of the world's most influential public figures to build a legacy - your legacy that surpasses time. A legacy that provides education, healing, support, advocacy and public awareness so that the conversation around mental health disorders normalizes, enabling your children, grand children and future generations to live without stigmas attached to mental health.

Find us across all of our Platforms;

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign's Virtual Hangs with our Global Community

Such an incredible way to start a Monday morning.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign virtual hangs kicked off because we have witnessed too many people struggling atm with their mental health.

When we are seeing so many people dividing because of their beliefs or choices, we are seeing friends not speaking, strangers abusing one another.

People are missing that we are also going through a Mental Health Epidemic and people are crying out struggling.

Lifeline experienced its most calls in its history last week.

The IPC receives daily messages so we need to try to do better.

The more focused people are on everything else and not supporting each other, sadly the more people continue to suffer in silence and we are missing the signs to look for and then shocked when we lose people.

Today we kicked off the Virtual Hangs with the incredible Rachael Newsham leading us through an amazing session.

It was a room full of joy, of laughter, of realness and to top it off, an incredible lady named Phyllisha whom shared a little of her story with us and spoke of her struggles with a stammer and with her nerves.

Today she bravely set aside both, sang for us and blessed us with that gift.

If you missed the hang, but are interested in being a part on our next sessions, be sure to register for our upcoming sessions by clicking the link in our bio.

Lockdown 'Virtual Hangs' are back !!!

As Lifeline records highest daily calls on record as lockdown exacerbates loneliness and we hear the support service alone saw Monday, August 3 service hit 3,345 calls, which is the highest daily number in the organisation's history, the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign itself although not a substitute for Professional Help has continued to see a dramatic increase in people contacting them for help through their vast social media platforms.'

This is concerning because the public are hearing help is always available through the various support services and mainstream media but the public are also finding out just how many organisations cannot cope with the influx of numbers of people struggling right now and are left without help.

The number of messages the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign as an awareness initiative are receiving daily is truly concerning because it is showing people still do not know where to turn when the larger organisations are inundated.

As humans we need interaction !!

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is not funded, but what it may lack in resources, it makes it up in heart and community.

That is why the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign once more have commenced running free International 'virtual hangs' for anybody struggling with loneliness at the moment.

To make these possible, all we ask is companies who want to make a difference help our efforts by contributing to our efforts.

The virtual hangs are an incredible way to keep connected and are led by International Experts & Professionals in the Mental Health & Wellness space as well as some of the Most recognised faces from the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.

Past hangs included some incredible sessions with American Idol’s Justin Guarini holding a live acoustic session, to Baywatch's Jeremy Jackson leading a Breath-work Meditation, Chef Jason Roberts leading a cooking workshop, International Rockstar Wes Geer leading a Meditation & Music Therapy Session to International Fitness Trainer to the stars Rachael Newsham leading Fitness classes, and so much more.

Be sure to click the link below to register for more information on all of our upcoming sessions.

'Mental Fitness' with Les Mills International Program Directors & Leading Presenters

What an incredible round table discussion with several of the Les Mills International Program Directors and Presenters coming together from around the world with Founder Glenn Marsden discussing their own journeys, their love for fitness to sharing it with the world and why it means so much to them.

Listen in as we hear from Emma Barry calling in from the USA, Dan Cohen and Rachael Newsham calling in from New Zealand, Tommy Gentleman from the UK and Ricky Long from Ireland. From gracing world stages in front of hundreds of thousands of people, to being seen as the epitome of Fitness on publications and events, listen as we hear what it has and continues to be like behind the scenes.

With the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast being backed up with International guests, this episode was recorded at the height of the pandemic so we also hear how each guest managed to deal with their own mental health during a time of lock down. To find out more about the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast, our Global Efforts and how you can get involved, become an official sponsors, book our workshops or make a contribution to our efforts, simply click the link below:

A big thank you to our Voice Over: Mike Christensen (

Are you ready to be the person, when the person your sitting opposite is not ok?

'Are you ready to be the person, when the person your sitting across from doesn't look like somebody that needs help? They need you just as much as anybody e...

‘Are you ready to be the person, when the person your sitting across from doesn’t look like somebody that needs help? They need you just as much as anybody else. What if they looked fine? It’s our behaviour as humans in our everyday interactions. When I see somebody with THAT look on their face. I know THAT look on their face. I had a friend, a very good looking, successful dentist. Who happens to be married to a man, they lost their child, they went through a divorce and he too had that same look. But ya know? He’s great coz’ what your wealthy, your good looking. No! They’re not! So when we say are you ok, what happens when someone says no? That’s where the conversation is. You know, if you don’t pass the bill to be mentally health ok, then what?
For that one friend, I said on this day, I see you. I see you. I said it’s time to see a doctor.’ - @letitia_frye

Having worked her way to the top of a male-dominated industry, left a turbulent marriage to build a high-profile career as a single mom, suffered the devastating losses of her ex-husband and her plus-one child, and survived a traumatic brain injury, Letitia Frye has bounced back from tragedy and beaten the odds multiple times and emerged stronger, more confident, more successful and shares her stories to all through writing. She is an author, a businesswoman, one of Hollywood’s most sought after Auctioneers and a huge supporter and advocate towards @imperfectlyperfectcampaign Global Efforts.

In an upcoming episode for the ImperfectlyPerfect Podcast, Letitia returns to join founder Glenn Marsden for a chat covering her own journey over the last 12 months since originally getting behind the IPC’s efforts.

This is a powerful episode delving into the conversations around Mental Health even deeper than ever before.

So be sure to subscribe to our podcast, simply by clicking the link in our bio so that you do not miss this episode as soon as it airs!

Warning Signs Your Employee May Be Struggling With Mental Health.

Mental illnesses are defined as conditions that impact a person’s mood, thinking, feelings, and behavior.

These common mental health issues impact every area of life, from social and personal, to work and business.

And if you suspect someone at work may need help with a mental health issue, it can be difficult to know what to do. When this person is also your employee, it can be even harder.

If you suspect your employee is experiencing a problem with their mental health, it is important to act early and it could be time to intervene.


If you notice one or two of these symptoms, it is probably time to address what you are seeing confidentially and with empathy.

  • Mood swings, emotional rollercoasters, and erratic behavior

  • Taking or needing a lot of time off

  • A decrease in or lack of productivity

  • Withdrawal from social situations, especially with co-workers

  • Changes in eating or sleeping behaviors

  • An lack of care in appearance


Remember first and foremost your employees may be scared to approach topics that they may be struggling in fear of judgement, in fear it may effect their job. Mental Health is also a very personal and sensitive topic to openly discuss.

But it is the hard conversations, it is so important to handle these situations with empathy, care and urgency if you are noticing these patterns in any employee.

Before approaching your employee, make sure you you gather advice or information from professionals. As a manager, it is important to have a plan in place for situations that occur like this and your human resources team should have a fully implemented plan in place already.

It is essential to speak as a manager to your company human resources department about their work-provided options and benefits that the company may already offer.

Though it can be hard to have these conversations, finding your employee the help they need is the most important thing you can do.

The Cost of Ignoring Mental Health in the WorkPlace

Nearly half of workers have been suffering from mental health issues since the Covid-19 pandemic began, at a significant cost to their well-being and potentially to their employer’s bottom line.

It’s a commonly accepted fact that adults spend roughly one-third of their lives at work.

That’s a significant amount of time, within which we are likely to experience a spectrum of physical and mental health.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 300million people suffer from depression globally

Depression and anxiety cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion each year in lost productivity.


Mental health and substance abuse cost US businesses between $80 and $100 billion annually. Another study showed that serious mental illness costs America up to $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year 

Depression is thought to count for up to 400 million lost work days annually


Mental Health problems in the workplace cost the economy approximately £70 billion annually

91 million workdays are lost in the UK due to symptoms of mental illness

AUSTRALIA. (According to the Australian Human Rights Commission report)

A total of 3.2 days per worker are lost each year through workplace stress

Stress-related workers’ compensation claims have doubled in recent years, costing over $10 billion each year

Preliminary research shows that Australian businesses lose over $6.5 billion each year by failing to provide early intervention/treatment for employees with mental health conditions

To find out how the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is helping International organizations better support the mental wellbeing of their employees, simply email us at today and one of the team will get back to you.

internationalisation (1).jpg

It is worth calculating the rising cost of mental ill-health to your business. 

'Everyone has experienced F.O.M.O' with Patrick Mcginnis

'Beauty is in the imperfection. I think the parts of me that I like the best are maybe the parts that nobody see's which are super crazy and aren't perfect. But they're the parts that make me different and the parts that teach me the most.

‘Beauty is in the imperfection. I think the parts of me that I like the best are maybe the parts that nobody see’s which are super crazy and aren’t perfect. But they’re the parts that make me different and the parts that teach me the most. I’m actually not afraid of that side of me. I embrace it. Some of the things we are not perfect at, we have to work on them too. But they are definitely a part of who we are as much as the stuff we love to tell everybody about. The flaws are good too’ Patrick Mcginnis

We are truly grateful to have some absolutely incredible advocates like Patrick getting behind the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign Global Efforts and sharing their stories to help us change the narrative around mental health especially through the corporate sectors.

Patrick J. McGinnis is a venture capitalist, writer, and speaker who has invested in leading companies in the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. He is the creator and host of the hit podcast FOMO Sapiens, which is distributed by Harvard Business Review and has achieved over 2 million downloads. Patrick coined the term “FOMO” short for “Fear of Missing Out”, which was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. He is also the creator of the term “FOBO” or “Fear of a Better Option” and has been featured as the creator of both terms in media outlets including the New York Times, The Financial Times, Boston Globe, Guardian, Inc. magazine, Cosmopolitan, and MSNBC. His TED Talk “How to Make Faster Decisions” was released in 2019.

Patrick is the author of the international bestseller The 10% Entrepreneur: Live Your Startup Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job, a guide to part-time entrepreneurship. This episode, Glenn delve's passed an incredible career to find out about the man behind the profession. What comes with being a young academic at the Harvard Business School, being surrounded by success and fellow driven entrepreneurs that now run some of the worlds largest organisations, keeping up whilst simultaneously studying, aiming for this idea of ‘perfection’ and dealing with ‘FOMO’ which so many of us deal with.

To find out more about Patrick, simply head to his official website at and across his socials @patrickjmcginnis Be sure to also check out his podcast 'FOMO Sapiens with Patrick.J.McGinnis'

across all major platforms.

To find out more information on the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign and our Global Efforts, simply head to our official website at

Voice-Over: Mike Christenson of

Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s International Workshops & Programming

For so many people, feeling hopeful about what the future holds is vital to maintaining their Mental Health. This is one of the reasons the pandemic has been...

For so many people, feeling hopeful about what the future holds is vital to maintaining their Mental Health. This is one of the reasons the pandemic has been so disruptive to so many people’s wellbeing and towards work-forces worldwide. The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign noticed that not only the school system but also the workplace system had and continues to be impacted on the wellbeing of all individuals, so we initiated our International Workshop Series with leading Mental Health & Wellbeing Professionals to change, not just the school systems but the organisations approach in how they look at mental health and wellbeing for their employees.

To find out more about these workshops simply contact us at and one of our team will get back to you with our information packs.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Corporate Series welcomes Rachael Newsham and Deanna Jimenez


This workshop will be Rachael Newsham's key-note of building resilience mentally, and personally overcoming obstacles. Rachael will be joined by a leading professional, Deanna Jimenez, a psychotherapist with a clinical background in trauma and anxiety for an interactive Q&A Webinar on the topics:

  • Ways in which to build resilience mentally.

  • How to navigate yourself in overcoming obstacles.

  • Coping with stress / stress mgt.

  • Learning to love yourself.

    22nd SEPTEMBER 2020 | 10:30am AEDT | 5:30pm AEDT

    Booking Link is Available through your Organizations Website HR Portals.


The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Corporate Series welcomes Judy Thureson & Kristy De Leon



This workshop will be Judy Thureson's key-note of journey through grief,the loss of her son, the late Atlantic Recording Artist; Hella Sketchy,the GIVE principle, how you can survive trauma and tragedy through a lens of gratitude and self care. Joining Judy will be a leading professional Kristy De Leon; PsyD; 18 years in the Mental Health field specializing in Grief, loss & Chronic Sorrow for an interactive Q&A Webinar on the topics:

  • What is Grief?

  • Dimensions of Grief and Loss plus effects.

  • When should I seek help for my grief?

  • How to support a grieving loved one.

8th SEPTEMBER 2020 | 10:30am AEDT

Booking Link is Available through your Organizations Website HR Portals.


The Benefits of Workplace Wellness Programmes

We are seeing the majority of global employers now offering health promotion strategies, and an estimated 70% of employers offer wellness programmes.

Research has shown that workplace wellness programmes (also known as corporate wellness programmes) help create a win-win situation which has a positive impact on both employees and employers.

For anybody who is considering implementing in house corporate wellness programs, here we note the key benefits for doing so.






Enquire today about our Corporate Wellness Workshops & Programmes with leading International Experts and Professionals in the Mental Health & Wellbeing Space to see how we can help you implement your own in house programs
