Mental Health Support

The Importance of Year-Round Mental Health Conversations: Beyond Awareness Months

The holiday season often paints a picture of warmth, joy, and togetherness, but for many, it can also be a time of increased stress, loneliness, and emotional turbulence. While awareness months and designated days play a crucial role in initiating conversations around mental health, it's imperative to recognise that these discussions should not be confined to specific times of the year. The need for ongoing dialogue becomes even more critical during the holiday season.

Beyond Awareness Campaigns: A Year-Round Commitment

While mental health awareness months and days serve as valuable catalysts for starting conversations, they should not be seen as the sole periods to address these crucial issues. Mental health is a complex and ongoing journey that doesn't adhere to a calendar schedule. Waiting for designated awareness periods may inadvertently contribute to the stigmatisation of mental health discussions during the rest of the year.

The Holiday Struggle: A Silent Battle

The holiday season can be a challenging time for many individuals, bringing about heightened emotions, financial pressures, and increased social expectations. Conversations around mental health during this time are not only relevant but also necessary. It's essential to acknowledge that for some, the holidays magnify feelings of isolation, grief, and stress. Engaging in open conversations during this period can provide much-needed support.

The Danger of Seasonal Support: A Call for Consistency

Posting supportive messages on social media during awareness campaigns is commendable, but it's crucial to extend this support consistently throughout the year. Many individuals who struggle with mental health concerns find it disheartening when the focus shifts away after awareness periods end. The sporadic nature of these conversations can make them seem insincere and, at times, overwhelming for those in need.

A Reminder of Imperfection: Authenticity in Action

It's essential to acknowledge that nobody is perfect, and supporting mental health isn't about getting it right all the time. Authenticity in conversations, even during the holiday season, fosters genuine connections. Understanding that everyone faces challenges and that ongoing support is more valuable than sporadic gestures is key.

Breaking the Silence: Encouraging Open Dialogues

To truly make a difference, we must break the silence around mental health consistently. Engaging in open, honest, and empathetic conversations throughout the year creates an environment where individuals feel heard and supported. This approach not only helps in destigmatising mental health but also encourages those who are struggling to reach out for help.

Shifting the Narrative

As we navigate the holiday season, let's collectively commit to fostering year-round conversations about mental health. It's not about being perfect or having all the answers; it's about genuine, ongoing support. By extending our understanding and compassion consistently, we can create a world where mental health is a topic of conversation every day, not just on awareness months or days. Together, let's shift the narrative and build a community that uplifts and supports one another in every season.

Are you ready to make a bold fashion statement while making an even bolder impact on the world?

Are you ready to make a bold fashion statement while making an even bolder impact on the world?

Look no further than our imperfectly perfect campaign support apparel – where fashion meets mental health advocacy.

With every purchase, you're not just getting stunning apparel; you're joining a global movement dedicated to raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

Fashion That Cares

At Imperfectly Perfect Campaign, our apparel is more than just fabric; it's a symbol of hope, strength, and unity.

When you wear our apparel, you wear your support for mental health on your sleeve, quite literally. Our designs are carefully crafted to reflect the resilience and beauty that can emerge from the challenges of mental health.

The Power of Your Purchase

Every single purchase you make at Imperfectly Perfect Campaign contributes to our global efforts in raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

We about making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most, so with your support, we're able to fund our essential initiatives, and continue spreading the message of hope, because as everybody knows, we work tirelessly to create change on a global scale.

The Imperfectly Perfect Campaign Support Apparel Collection

Our stunning collection includes a wide range of apparel for every style and occasion. From cozy hoodies that wrap you in warmth and support to trendy t-shirts that make a statement, we have something for everyone. And every piece you choose carries the same powerful message

Join the Movement

When you shop at with us, you become a part of something much larger than yourself.

You become an advocate for mental health, a beacon of hope for those who are struggling, and a force for change in a world that desperately needs it.
Shop Today!

Don't just buy clothes; make a difference. Choose Imperfectly Perfect, where fashion fuels our global efforts in raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

Join the movement today and wear your support proudly!

Visit to explore our collection and be a part of the change.

Together, we can create a world where mental health matters and every life is valued.

Helping children embrace their imperfections

Helping children embrace their imperfections is an important aspect of their emotional and psychological development. Here are some strategies you can use to support your children in this process:

  1. Foster a positive and accepting environment: Create a loving and accepting atmosphere at home where mistakes and imperfections are seen as a normal part of learning and growth. Encourage open communication and let your children know that they can share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

    2. Model self-acceptance: Children learn by observing their parents and caregivers. Embrace your own imperfections and openly discuss them with your children. Show them that everyone has flaws and that it's okay to make mistakes. Be kind to yourself and demonstrate self-compassion.

    3. Encourage a growth mindset: Teach your children that intelligence and abilities are not fixed traits but can be developed through effort and practice. Emphasize the value of learning from mistakes and setbacks. Encourage them to approach challenges with a positive attitude and a willingness to try again.

    4. Praise effort and progress: Instead of solely focusing on achievements and outcomes, praise your children's effort, perseverance, and progress. This helps them understand that their worth is not solely based on the end result but also on the process of learning and growing

    5.Teach self-compassion: Help your children develop self-compassion by teaching them to be kind to themselves when they make mistakes or face challenges. Encourage them to talk to themselves in a supportive and understanding way, just as they would comfort a friend. This cultivates a healthy inner dialogue and reduces self-criticism.

    6. Focus on strengths and interests: Encourage your children to discover and develop their unique strengths and interests. Help them understand that everyone has different talents and that their worth is not solely determined by areas where they may perceive themselves as imperfect.

    7. Promote realistic expectations: Help your children set realistic expectations for themselves. Talk to them about the importance of setting achievable goals and celebrating progress, rather than striving for perfection. Encourage them to embrace their unique qualities and recognize that nobody is perfect.

    8. Encourage self-expression: Provide opportunities for your children to express themselves creatively and emotionally. Encourage them to pursue activities they enjoy and allow them to explore their interests. This helps build confidence and a sense of self-worth beyond external validation.

Remember, embracing imperfections is a lifelong journey, and your support as a parent or caregiver plays a crucial role in helping your children develop a healthy self-image and a resilient mindset.

Navigating Mental Health Triggers: Understanding and Managing the Path to Well-being

In recent years, discussions surrounding mental health have gained significant traction, shedding light on the importance of mental well-being. One crucial aspect of mental health that warrants attention is the concept of triggers. Mental health triggers are external or internal stimuli that can evoke distressing emotions, thoughts, or behaviors in individuals. Recognizing and understanding these triggers is paramount to managing mental health effectively. This article aims to delve into the world of mental health triggers, their different forms, and provide practical strategies to navigate them, ultimately fostering resilience and promoting overall well-being.

Types of Mental Health Triggers

  1. Environmental Triggers: Environmental factors such as noise, crowds, or certain locations can significantly impact an individual's mental state. For some, a cluttered or chaotic environment may lead to heightened anxiety, while others may feel overwhelmed in crowded spaces.

  2. Social Triggers: Interpersonal relationships can be both supportive and challenging. Negative experiences, conflicts, or criticisms from others can act as triggers, exacerbating feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, or depression.

  3. Emotional Triggers: Certain emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear, can act as triggers themselves. These emotions might be linked to past traumatic events or distressing memories, leading to a cascade of negative thoughts and behaviors.

  4. Cognitive Triggers: Cognitive triggers manifest as certain thoughts, beliefs, or memories that activate negative thinking patterns. These triggers often reinforce self-critical thoughts, pessimism, and rumination, contributing to anxiety and depression.

  5. Physical Triggers: Physical sensations or conditions, such as chronic pain, sleep disturbances, or hormonal changes, can significantly impact mental health. These triggers can amplify stress levels, impair coping mechanisms, and exacerbate existing mental health conditions.

Managing Mental Health Triggers

  1. Identify and Self-Reflect: Recognizing personal triggers is the first step in managing them effectively. Take time to reflect on situations, environments, or people that consistently evoke distressing emotions or behaviors. Maintaining a journal can be helpful in identifying patterns and triggers.

  2. Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals for support. Discussing triggers openly can foster understanding and help in finding coping strategies. Therapy, counseling, or support groups can offer guidance and tools to manage triggers effectively.

  3. Develop Coping Strategies: Engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. Practice grounding techniques to anchor yourself in the present moment and regain control over overwhelming emotions.

  4. Create a Supportive Environment: Take proactive steps to modify your environment to minimize triggers. This might involve decluttering your living space, setting boundaries in relationships, or seeking out quieter and calmer environments when necessary.

  5. Cognitive Restructuring: Challenge negative thoughts and beliefs associated with triggers. Replace self-critical or irrational thoughts with more positive and realistic ones. Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques can be highly effective in this regard.

  6. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care practices such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Nurturing your physical and emotional well-being can enhance resilience and buffer against triggers.

Understanding and managing mental health triggers is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. By identifying triggers, seeking support, and implementing effective coping strategies, individuals can navigate through challenging situations with resilience and strength. Remember that everyone's triggers are unique, and the process of managing them may require time and experimentation. With the right tools and support, it is possible to mitigate the impact of triggers and cultivate a healthier mental state, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Dealing with Body Dysmorphia

Dealing with body dysmorphia can be an incredibly challenging and distressing experience. It's important to note that everyone's experience with body dysmorphia is unique, and the severity of symptoms can vary from person to person. However, here is a general description of what it may feel like from a personal account written by founder: Glenn Marsden who battled with this:

  1. Obsession and Preoccupation: Body dysmorphia often involves an intense preoccupation with perceived flaws or defects in one's appearance. These flaws may appear minor or even non-existent to others, but to the individual experiencing body dysmorphia, they can feel overwhelmingly significant. Thoughts about these perceived flaws can consume a significant amount of time and mental energy, making it difficult to focus on other aspects of life.

  2. Distorted Perception: People with body dysmorphia may have a distorted perception of their own appearance. They may constantly scrutinize themselves in mirrors or reflective surfaces, seeking reassurance or validation that their appearance is acceptable. However, even when receiving positive feedback, they may struggle to believe it or may dismiss it as insincere.

  3. Negative Self-Image: Body dysmorphia often leads to a negative self-image and a deep sense of self-consciousness. The person may believe that their perceived flaws make them unattractive or abnormal, leading to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and self-disgust. This negative self-image can severely impact self-esteem and overall well-being.

  4. Avoidance and Isolation: Individuals with body dysmorphia may try to avoid situations or social interactions that highlight their perceived flaws. They may avoid socializing, going out in public, or participating in activities that make them feel exposed or vulnerable. This can lead to social isolation and a reduced quality of life.

  5. Emotional Distress: Body dysmorphia is often accompanied by intense emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, and feelings of hopelessness. The constant negative thoughts and self-criticism can contribute to a cycle of negative emotions, creating a significant emotional burden.

  6. Compulsive Behaviors: In an attempt to manage their distress and perceived flaws, individuals with body dysmorphia may engage in compulsive behaviors. These can include excessive grooming, mirror-checking, seeking reassurance from others, skin picking, or comparing themselves to others. While these behaviors may provide temporary relief, they often contribute to a vicious cycle of obsession and distress.

It's important to remember that body dysmorphia is a mental health condition and not a reflection of reality. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor experienced in body dysmorphia can be crucial in managing and overcoming these challenges.

Behind The Scenes with Australian TV Personality Karen Ledbury

This episode founder Glenn Marsden chats with Karen Ledbury.

One of Australia's most recognised and respected TV Presenters, actress known from the Morning Show, the Daily Edition and the Sydney Weekender. The ultimate travel show which is one of Australia's longest running shows in history.

She is a wife, a mum and an absolutely amazing lady and advocate towards Mental Health and our Global Efforts.

Getting behind our efforts from the beginning and helping us get these conversations started with some of the biggest networks in Australia.

This episode we hear of Karen's story, her journey into a career in TV which has spanned 25 years and hear about why speaking out on the topic of Mental Health is important to her.

Eden Sassoon gets behind the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign’s Global Efforts

'Being Imperfectly Perfect to me means to be authentically vulnerable and present in each moment which is not an easy task. But can be consistently progress ...

‘Being Imperfectly Perfect to me means to be authentically vulnerable and present in each moment which is not an easy task. But can be consistently progress not perfection and to take action. So if I’m vulnerable and I have a feeling and want to share it, don’t pause and take 5 seconds to let it into the brain to let it screw your whole thing up. Do it. It means if I’m having a feeling and I want to cry,cry. It’s that energy that’s going to create somebody else’s energy. It’s going to pay it forward exactly what you are doing and so that to me, imperfectly perfect is like, it’s those moments when you think it should be perfect, that you stop, your head takes over, your brain gets involved. You try to manipulate it into something that it’s not. If you cannot take that pause and you are in it, then you are imperfectly perfect. It is what it is.’ - @edensassoon

As a Beauty & Wellness Entrepreneur, Well known TV Personality and Philanthropist, Eden Sassoon has truly made her mark in the world. A full service salon, EDEN by Eden Sassoon, two luxury Pilates studios in Los Angeles and her nonprofit organization Beauty Gives Back.

But that’s only one side of her, getting to know and listen to Eden like everybody, there is so much more to a person than people think they know. Especially when you may be in the public eye. She is a huge advocate of Mental Health Advocacy and got straight on board with the @imperfectlyperfectcampaign and shares through an upcoming episode her own personal journey.

The Cost of Ignoring Mental Health in the WorkPlace

Nearly half of workers have been suffering from mental health issues since the Covid-19 pandemic began, at a significant cost to their well-being and potentially to their employer’s bottom line.

It’s a commonly accepted fact that adults spend roughly one-third of their lives at work.

That’s a significant amount of time, within which we are likely to experience a spectrum of physical and mental health.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 300million people suffer from depression globally

Depression and anxiety cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion each year in lost productivity.


Mental health and substance abuse cost US businesses between $80 and $100 billion annually. Another study showed that serious mental illness costs America up to $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year 

Depression is thought to count for up to 400 million lost work days annually


Mental Health problems in the workplace cost the economy approximately £70 billion annually

91 million workdays are lost in the UK due to symptoms of mental illness

AUSTRALIA. (According to the Australian Human Rights Commission report)

A total of 3.2 days per worker are lost each year through workplace stress

Stress-related workers’ compensation claims have doubled in recent years, costing over $10 billion each year

Preliminary research shows that Australian businesses lose over $6.5 billion each year by failing to provide early intervention/treatment for employees with mental health conditions

To find out how the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is helping International organizations better support the mental wellbeing of their employees, simply email us at today and one of the team will get back to you.

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It is worth calculating the rising cost of mental ill-health to your business. 

The Benefits of Workplace Wellness Programmes

We are seeing the majority of global employers now offering health promotion strategies, and an estimated 70% of employers offer wellness programmes.

Research has shown that workplace wellness programmes (also known as corporate wellness programmes) help create a win-win situation which has a positive impact on both employees and employers.

For anybody who is considering implementing in house corporate wellness programs, here we note the key benefits for doing so.






Enquire today about our Corporate Wellness Workshops & Programmes with leading International Experts and Professionals in the Mental Health & Wellbeing Space to see how we can help you implement your own in house programs




Right now with Covid19, more than ever organisations have a clear role to play in the management and understanding of mental health concerns.

We tailor mental health workshops that may be best for your organisation and deliver customised programmes to address specific mental health issues that are relevant to your workforce.

We also offer broad workshops to raise the awareness around mental health to your organisation.

Whatever your needs, using our team of experts in this field, we create workshops to ensure you are being proactive about the mental health of your workforce.

If you would like to know more about our workshops, simply fill in the form below today and one of the team will get back to you.
